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Star Ran Home


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Had a very near disaster today on our usual walk which I hoped would be a quick one as the weather was awful. We were just finishing up in the playing field where we go every day and I was just collecting all our bits together when two people came in the field each with a Japanese Akita who we'd never met before. Both my two looked interested but wary of them which is unusual as normally they just start to play with anyone they come across. Anyway there was a little bit of chasing, think the Akitas were young and boisterous rather than nasty but for some reason Star took it the wrong way and scarpered at full pelt out of the field. I hastily caught Skye and hot footed it after her half hoping her to be lurking about in the bushes on the footpath outside. Got there, no sign of her. Panicking now, we fled home as soon as we could, calling her all the way. The normal walk to the field is at least 20 minutes whatever direction we take and theere are at least 6 different routes there and we've taken all of them in the past. Anyway, got home frantic by now and bawling my head off only to find my dear brave baby running up and down in front of my gate. She was drenched and overjoyed to see us but otherwise fine. To get home she had had to travel about 2.5 miles and would have had to cross a busy main road. I can hardly bear to think what could have happened to her and how lucky I've actually been today. Normally her recall is perfect, and I would never have credited her with enough brains to get herself home as she was never blessed with the clever gene to be honest. I'm dreading taking them out tomorrow as I can't get this out of my mind which is awful as we love our walks together. Can't stop crying and shaking almost too much to type this. Other half can't really see what all the fuss is about seeing as Star is now safely home and I just feel like a totally hopeless mum and just want to curl up and die at the moment. :unsure:
Oh Sharon what an awful experience for you, you are in shock now with the what ifs etc, cuddle the girls they'll calm you down XXX
How dreadful for you, and what a blessing it all turned out well. I would have been beside myself too :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
What an awful experience for you, no wonder you are upset and shaken! :sweating:

Well done Star for making it home but please remember it's not good for your Mum!

If it's any consolation I would be feeling exactly as you do, going over all the 'what if's', it is enough to knock anybody's confidence.
I had some awful run in's with nasty dogs over the years and I know how you feel.

My two little lurchers were chased out of a field by two terriers and on two a busy road,luck was on there side and both came back to me.

Another time my little whippet Fern was attacked by a Great Dane and she was picked up by him and held in his mouth and shock like a rag doll,not nice to see and it took me months to get over this.Fern had to have 24/7 care for this injury to her lung,

Time will heal and I just take care if another dog comes into the field,eyes and ears are always at the ready.

All the lovely K9 people on here sent wishes to Fern and i even had people on here that wanted to help me get back to normal again.

Take care and I hope this will help and ,take one day at a time and please still take your dog for a walk,why should you stop.

I'm not surprised your feeling shaken, Sophie did this to me once when she was attacked by a Lab, so I know exactly how you feel :huggles:

Star will be fine, I'm sure the whole thing was much more traumatic for you than for her. Give her a big cuddle tonight and pour yourself a glass of something nice!

Maybe try different walks for a few days until you've both settled down a bit :luck:
Awww Sharon, its not your fault, these things happen....she is safe and sound and thats the main thing...xxxxxxxx
This type of happening is horrid ,glad that all is well :thumbsup: So many dogs in this country now it is difficult to avoid .
Oh Sharon how scary that must have been ,im so glad Star is safe and sound big hugs to you all :huggles: :huggles:
Sharon dont blame yourself, you weren't to know what was going to happen.

And if your a hopless mum then so am oldest two got spooked and

did the same thing.......across the main road and home before my daughter

could stop them. I let my daughter take them so it was my fault and last

summer Zana ran off the beach and some kids caught her for me, they all

know my girls thankfully.

Calm down she's safe now
Oh Sharon, my heart was in my mouth reading that ........ I can't think of a more traumatic situation to be in :'(

I am so relieved that Star is ok, as you say, it could have been a disaster. I can understand only too well how you are feeling now and my advice would be to get back to walking at that place in your own time, don't rush it. Maybe take them elsewhere for a while, where there are no other dogs to bump into?

I never used to be paranoid about letting mine off the lead but having heard so many horror stories from K9ers I have now become the most protective whippet servant ever and mine very rarely go off lead unless the field is sheep-wired all round and the gate is low enough to the ground to prevent them going under it.

Please give little Star a huge cuddle and lot of kisses from us all here and tell her she is a clever girl but please, please don't do it again :sweating: xxxxxxxx
Its awful, so glad that you got her and she came to no harm crossing the road. This brings back memories of my Dolly. So thankful she is OK, pour yourself a big drink.

You cant blame yourself, these things just happen.

Big hugs for everyone tonight.
How awful :( You must have felt ill with worry all the way home. So glad it was a happy ending :huggles:
that's awful and I fully sympathise with how you're feeling, I'd feel the same, hope she's got over the shock now, it'll probably take you a lot longer though !

Ella is a real scardey cat with other dogs and it's awful to see her panicky face when a dog bigger than a guinea pig comes into sight ! so don't worry, what you feel is normal.

Hope you feel better soon.
Thanks so much for all your kind replies everyone, feel a bit better just for reading them, but such a shame to hear so many people having had similar experiences. To top it all, tonight is my first night on at work so I cant even have that large drink a few of you have wisely suggested. Think I will have to find a few happy threads to read to try and take my mind off it a bit. Star is OK though a bit quiet, probably a bit puffed out I guess, thats the fastest shes ever come home!
Sending you a (((hug))), Whippets eh? Who would have 'em? Well, all of us for a start, glad you are both (relatively) ok, I've had a few bad experiences with other dogs but you have to try to put it into perspective, how many walks have you enjoyed with Star before this happened?, I'll bet there have been quite a few!! I'm not undermining the way you feel because I too have been there! Lets hope you can enjoy some more uneventful walks over the next few days and your confidence will grow together x
A few years ago our dogs were attaced by a staffi,,it has a go at all 3,,all on leads,,but it went fron Nemo,,he slipped his lead and ran home with the staffie chasing him,,he crossed 2 roads,,and made it home,,staffie must have gave up the chase,,he was covered in his own poo,,and bitted on his legs and tummy,,he is a champion and just sired pups,,the other dog had a nasty rip on his side the other dog,,robbie was not bitten,,,John came home and thought he would never see Nemo alive again,,but he found his way home before John and the other dogs got home,,,dogs know where is safe and with loads of luck they get there,,so glad your wee dog did
So glad to hear that Star got home safe and sound, bless her :wub:

Sending you lots of hugs Sharon, sounds like you need them :huggles:
Thanks again everyone for your kindness, there certainly are some amazing whippet come home stories there. We are reasonably lucky in Portsmouth as there are quite a few green spaces to run dogs in but virtually none that are completely enclosed and whippet proof. The only time Ive really had a scare like that with these dogs, is when Skye was a youngster and she escaped out the front room window (whilst a man was fitting child proof window locks to keep the dog in!) She legged it to the nearest park not far away but still across quite a big road and we found her in there playing with all the other dogs. Just so glad Star is safe and sound indoors tonight, think if she has gone missing I would have either had a heart attack by now or been sectioned :'(
Im another who has had this happen ,

My dog Badger was chased by 2 staffy xs , He never got as far as home as he cam e up behind me when i was looking for him , He too crossed a main road and even though its many years since it happened it still seems like yesterday

I so feel for you , but we have to let them run free and hope to god this was just n unlucky meeting with the akitas

Hugs to you and Star and thank goodness for a happy ending