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Star,litter Sister To Tinkermill


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I have the litter sister to Tinkermill,and we was unable to race her due too the fact she broke her leg when she was 6 months old.It was just one of those freak accidents running around the garden,she had it put in plaster and was left with abit of a funny shape hock, a skip everynow and then but for the last four years it really has not bothered her.Until last tuesday when she chased a squirrel and must of landed funny and broke the same leg again,i"v been at the vets every day since last tuesday and they was finally able to operate this monday.It was a 3 hour op and they put in a metal rod,pins and wired the leg.We went back yesterday to have it redressed and going back friday for redressing and next thursady for stitches out and then in plaster for 5 more weeks.The vet is saying its a extermely bad break and if in 5/6 weeks time when the final plaster comes off,if its not held then they will have too amputate her leg,which scares me to death.i just was wondering if anybody has experience anything like this before and would love any advise or tips on anything i could do to help her......
Tina I am so sorry to hear of your bad news - Both Jac and Tony were

brilliant with help and advice when Zena badly broke her leg in March

All I can advise is to do exactly what your vets tell you - it was heartbreaking

to have to keep a young lively dog caged for so long but in the long run it

was well worth it my vet said I could carry her onto the garden to "empty out"

and after a couple of weeks I did use to carry Zena up to the top of our road and let

her have a sniff on the grass verge she was happier - dogs dont seem to bother about

amputation the way we humans do they just get on with life - I remember many years

ago a dog racing at Parkside with only three legs - it was time racing and he loved it

Fingers crossed for you and your girl

can only echo what mum's said tina, jac and tony were brilliant when zena broke her leg. hope all goes well for you & star, thinking of you both :huggles:
hi.sorry to here about your little ones badly broken leg and that theres a possibility your baby could have to have an amputation.ive had one of my dogs legs amputated in the past.she had 8 wonderfull years with only three wasnt anything to do with her having three legs why we lost her either she had another problem.but unfortunately there can be unexpected problems as my bitch had.i hope with the love and care shes obviously getting it wont come to that.but if you want to ask anything at all ile gladly answer if i can.really hope all goes well. :luck: