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Stanley Is Cured!


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I thought I would give a little update about little Stan. After my last post when the vet had decided the only thing was to keep him on a very low dose of steroids, initially he was on 2 a day for a few days then 1 a day and then one every other day.

Usually on the steroids his cough and snuffly nose is better but not completely gone, well I completely stopped the steroids over a week ago and he hasn't even had a hint of a cough SINCE...

I removed a wool blanket from my bed!!! (w00t)

I removed it just after he started the steroids and I am completely convinced that this is what was irritating him. He doesn't sleep on my bed at night but tends to lie on there in the evening and dig himself underneath it.

Anyway, so it look like it was an allergy to this bl**dy blanket, so I am so, so relieved as this means he won't have to be on all these drugs anymore and he is such a happy boy now! :D :thumbsup:

So all very good news, in fact I am even going to take him on a little outing to a show on Saturday :thumbsup:

:D Thats great news Jo........... enjoy your outing on Sat Stan :thumbsup:
Hurray! So glad Stan is feeling better. He deserves an outing :thumbsup:

Isn't it funny how pets can be so sensitive to things? My cat Jasper has had a skin allergy for years and years, we've done lots of tests and nothing ever shows up. He's intermittently on steroids, which I don't like, but it's better than having him eat half his leg away when it's bad :(
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I'm so pleased to hear it WAS the blanket causing Stan the man's problem.You must be so relieved Jo :thumbsup:

Allergies are horrible things,just recently,Izzy started to chew her thighs,I noticed she seemed to have "hot spots" & thought she was perhaps getting a bit sore in her joints.Anyway,after a bit of "trial & error",i discovered she has developed a wheat gluten allergy!
Jo I'm so pleased you discovered it was the blanket. I bet that's why he was better when you were gone for that few days as well - he wasn't on your bed.

Which show on Saturday? Are you at Romsey?

Great news that Stanleys feeling a lot better Jo :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Enjoy yourselves on Saturday :huggles:
That is good news Jo, I bet you are so pleased and relieved :thumbsup:

Hope you and Stan have a good day on Saturday.

Good news Jo - long may it continue. :thumbsup: Stan is well again. :D
I am really pleased Stan is better. Fingers crossed he stays well, you must be very relieved :cheers:

Good for Stanley.

So pleased you got to the bottom of it. :thumbsup:

Stanley is obviously a delicate wee soul who needs only silk in future :D
Glad to hear Stanley is well. :cheers: Have a good time Saturday
Wendy said:
Jo I'm so pleased you discovered it was the blanket.  I bet that's why he was better when you were gone for that few days as well - he wasn't on your bed.
Which show on Saturday?  Are you at Romsey?


No, I'll be at Newton Abbot with both the boys in tow!!

Thanks everyone :huggles: , I just can't believe I got to the bottom of it, I know how hard to to find the causes of allergies and I consider myself and Stan very lucky. Just so happy he is well again and off those drugs :D .
Of course -it's closer to you - forgot that was Saturday as well. Pop me a note and let me know how you do.

Wendy, Where is the show at Romsey on Saturday, although I might have to work but if not I might come and watch.

Jo, I'm so pleased you have resolved Stan's problem. I like the comment that only silk will be good enough for him now. Enjoy the show on Saturday.

quintessence said:
Wendy, Where is the show at Romsey on Saturday, although I might have to work but if not I might come and watch.
Jo, I'm so pleased you have resolved Stan's problem.  I like the comment that only silk will be good enough for him now.  Enjoy the show on Saturday.


Hi Jenny

It's actually the Romsey Canine Society show, but it's being held near Southampton


Quob Stables

Durley Brook Road


Southampton SO32 2AR

If you want actual directions feel free to email me and I'll scan the schedule for you. Would be nice to see you again if you can make it :D
