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Stan Is Stripped...


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As it has been raining all day, I decided it was high time I stripped out Stan's coat, now the warmer weather has arrived. It has to be done over several weeks, as some bits grow back faster than others, and you have to allow for this, otherwise it will be hell trying to blend all the bits together once grown back.

This is how much I trimmed and stripped out from today's session.....he should be a bit cooler now :sweating:

My grooming area is in our loft room, hence the slightly dingy, scruffy surrounds!

C'mon lets see the smart new Stan. :wub:

Bet he looks alot smaller now :huggles:
WOW, I get Mollie clipped. She is nearly 12 and can't stand up for ages as she gets tired, I've found a lovely local person to do her. must get her booked in now it has warmed up. ( hope it doesn't freeze having said that) (w00t)
Stan's looking a bit moth eaten at the mo...there' still more to come out and the new coat has yet to grow back. Hence no photo just yet. Yes, he does look a lot smaller now..... :eek:

He really doesn't enjoy it :unsure: ...I'm considering clipping in future, but it does spoil their lovely harsh coat when clipped.
Is Stan actually hidden under one of those piles? (w00t) :b I bet he isn't as big a baby as a whippet having his feet massaged and bandaged :- "
Nicola said:
Stan's looking a bit moth eaten at the mo...there' still more to come out and the new coat has yet to grow back. Hence no photo just yet. Yes, he does look a lot smaller now..... :eek:
He really doesn't enjoy it  :unsure: ...I'm considering clipping in future, but it does spoil their lovely harsh coat when clipped.

Mollie is a cross so it doesn't matter as much. she has a harsh coat though! She is in love with Stan and sends him a big kiss. :wub: :huggles: :wub:
My goodness, you could stuff a big cushion :lol: Im glad i don't have to mess about with coat clipping - i like my low maintenance dogs!
Wow there is is some hair there (w00t) are you sure hes not bald :lol: - we definitely need to see him Nicola :thumbsup: looking all handsome and neat. :thumbsup:
He could be under that pile of fluff and hair couldn't he? :p There's enough there to keep Derbyshire's bird population in nests this spring (w00t) . He was starting to resemble an Old English Sheepdog!

Much to Stan's shame (he's worried Mollie will lose interest...he's always fancied her!) I thought I'd post a couple of pics in his inbetween stage. As you can see there still lots more to come out (quite disconcerting to see how much now I study the photos!).

He always runs off when I open the loft room door, as he knows what that means. This is his typical grooming stance...... :- " Poor chap.

Mollie is not put off, she looks about the same at the moment. Very shaggy! She really must go to the groomer soon. (w00t) . Its been soooo cold. She is worried Stan will say she is too old for him ( she's 11). She sends him a hug, she hates being groomed too. :huggles: :wub:

Here's a pic of her last year.
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He likes the older woman (well... bitch)......!
Wow, what a lot of hair. I bet Stan has lost a few pounds there (w00t) I gave Rafferty half a haircut last week so he can acclimatise slowly :b The blue tits are nesting in the birdbox so they will have a lovely soft nest this year :huggles:

I'll get the clippers out in another week or two & finish him off properly.

He's a bit like Stan, he doesn't enjoy it, the minute he hears the grooming box lid click off he makes a run for it................but I always catch him :(

I'll put some before & after pics up when I do him.
Yes..please do.

It would be great to compare grooming techniques and see a piccie of Rafferty.
Aww Stan and Mollie make a lovely pair ......dont they ;) :huggles: :wub:
Nicola said:
Yes..please do.
It would be great to compare grooming techniques and see a piccie of Rafferty.

Well, I wouldn't say there is much technique involved, it's a case of , first catch your dog............. (w00t)

One hour and lots of :rant: later.............bald dog :blink:

I know what you mean.

For me it's :

1) catch your dog :wacko:

2) transport him struggling up 2 flights of stairs and try and land him upright on the grooming table :- "

3) 2 hours later, with lots of :rant: & :clown: , one half groomed dog who looks like he's been picked up by a tornado and landed again.

Another 4 grooming sessions to go :sweating: He might look half presentable by the end of it, providing I haven't gone too mad with the clippers and scissors. Getting his eyebrows symmetrical is the hardest bit :wacko: