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Ssssh! My Dog's Sister Is Having Pups Too


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Just as I've been discussing booking a pup with someone else, I find out my dog's litter sister is having her final litter. I'm feeling Fate is being very unkind with me here :(


She's the little black one on the left; ours is in the middle. How could I not get one! They are due to be born on my birthday too :- "
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lovely puppies :wub:

perhaps you should have two puppies :- " :lol:
Aww when did you chose Elizabeth - and how old are these puppies ?- I think Ive missed something. :( The little on in the middle :wub: - they are all o:)
Janimal said:
Aww when did you chose Elizabeth - and how old are these puppies ?- I think Ive missed something. :(   The little on in the middle  :wub:   - they are all  o:)
No, this is the first generation - her pups aren't even BORN yet, they are due on the weekend! I don't know who the stud is (last time it was a Bluestreak dog), but I'm thinking there will be some shaded blacks and brindles to choose from (with little white blazes - it seems to be one of those indelible Laguna trademarks, like the white tip to the tail).
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DUHHHH :blink: sorry Elizabeth - after reading again I can now see your 2 littermates sorry. (from previous litter)

Oooo ...exciting stuff - when are the puppies due - thats deifnitely FATE - you MUST have one or two :- " :- " :cheers:
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Janimal said:
DUHHHH :blink:   sorry Elizabeth - after reading again I can now see your 2 littermates sorry.   (from previous litter)
Oooo ...exciting stuff - when are the puppies due - thats deifnitely FATE - you MUST have one or two :- "  :- "  :cheers:

Trouble is I booked one with with someone else JUST YESTERDAY! I can't have two, unless I want other half to leave home (interesting prospect now I come to think :- " although the cat might decide to go with him :( ). It isn't guaranteed that I'll get what I want from the booking, as I was well down the list anyway.
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Im sure the pup youve booked will be lovely too :wub: Did you want a bitch or dog.??

I was going to have pup from Susan and Jeans litter on K9 and in the end there were no dogs anyway :( - so Id already booked Kobi from another litter Id seen.

You never know it may work out for the best. :luck:
Janimal said:
Im sure the pup youve booked will be lovely too  :wub:   Did you want a bitch or dog.??
I was going to have pup from Susan and Jeans litter on K9 and in the end there were no dogs anyway  :( - so Id already booked Kobi from another litter Id seen.

You never know it may work out for the best. :luck:

Well, I couldn't really have a bitch, just in case we had an accident. They would be too closely related. This is the dilemma, I'd prefer a bitch really :( The other litter is planned for next spring.
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Poor you. I undertsand your dilemma.

My OH has finally said I can make some enquiries about getting a whippet pup. :teehee: Now I find myself hesitating, because after such a long wait, and I suddenly feel nervous.

I fell in love with a blue brindle pup born recently, but decided not to go ahead with enquiries after getting the go ahead from OH, as I am nervous that something will go wrong. Will another dog upset the current status quo? Will OH really look after the pup as I would, when I'm at work? Do I want a racing/coursing/showing pup. The doubts are suddenly endless.

I so want everything to be right this time around, that I've decided to postpone getting a pup until I'm absolutely certain. Am I being too cautious?

I think you're feeling a similar doubts? We do own these dogs for a good part of our lives afterall.

Never found going from one dog to two a problem though..must's the going from 2 to 3 that I'm suddenly quite nervous about.

Maybe we just need some encouragement. :lol: A pup born on your birthday....must be fate. How did you find out about these pups?
Nicola said:
Poor you. I undertsand your dilemma.
Maybe we just need some encouragement.  :lol: A pup born on your birthday....must be fate. How did you find out about these pups?

I found out about the first one, as friend had booked one from the same litter, having had a nice one with that breeding. I wrote to my breeder, who'd moved house so the letter was delayed getting to her.

Yes, sounds like we've been rehearsing a similar dilemma - everytime I make a decision some new doubt raises it's head! Come on, where's that encouragement everyone!!
:oops: How on earth did I miss this????????? :blink: Sorry

Well you know what I think anyway- what's wrong with three :- "
OEH said:
Well you know what I think anyway- what's wrong with three :- "
I expect OH will find something to say!

I'll probably pop over there and take some pics anyway. Gosh there seems to have been a real deluge of nice whippet pups recently!
Well, I couldn't really have a bitch, just in case we had an accident. They would be too closely related. This is the dilemma, I'd prefer a bitch really :( The other litter is planned for next spring.

Could you not get a bitch and have her spayed you could still show her :)
Janimal said:
The little on in the middle  :wub:  
Guess who that turned out to be :- " Nobody else wanted him :'(

They're not really what you'd describe as show dogs :- "
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moriarte said:
Yes, sounds like we've been rehearsing a similar dilemma - everytime I make a decision some new doubt raises it's head! Come on, where's that encouragement everyone!!
What dilemma is there?? If you want another Whippet ...............get another Whippet.

Two are better than one. Once you have two, you might as well have three and after that one more (each time) makes no difference.

Don't imagine problems, just cross those bridges if and when they crop up.

Can't agree about buying a bitch and then rushing out and having her spayed though, as suggested by Whip. And, by rights, you cannot show a spayed bitch without KC permission, the same as a castrated dog.
Two are better than one.  Once you have two, you might as well have three and after that one more (each time) makes no difference.
Yup, that's what I need to hear!

Can't agree about buying a bitch and then rushing out and having her spayed though, as suggested by Whip.  And, by rights, you cannot show a spayed bitch without KC permission, the same as a castrated dog.
I've never yet had a neutered dog. Part of the reason I'd like a bitch is to avoid dilemmas like this in the long run - I've regretted not breeding from good animals I've had in the past, it can be so difficult to find ones with similar qualities again. I know people with neutered bitches that seem fine, but dogs seem to lose enthusiasm for life sometimes.
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moriarte said:
I know people with neutered bitches that seem fine, but dogs seem to lose enthusiasm for life sometimes.

My OH's family used to breed the occaional litter of labs to keep the family line going. One litter only had one puppy- a boy so they couldn't keep a girl like they used to. Unfortunately he spent his life escaping and visiting neighbouring bitches which made him less than popular so it was eventually decided that something had to be done so he had the chop. Before hand he used to lie on his back showing everything off. Afterwards her never lay on his back again :( and lost a lot of self confidence generally.
Now.........I know I have no room to speak here :- " :- " (w00t) but I also believe in fate!!

You want another whip - you wanted one from your dogs breeding and these pups are due on your birthday :D

No more to discuss really LOL
Is it Dilys who is having the pups Elizabeth? If it is go for it 'cause she is fabulous. Nice looking and with the most wonderful temperament.

Also of course the pup would be related to your boy who you adore. Apart from a pup from him what more could you want.
Three is a GREAT number. Anyway, they have obviously been specially planned to arrive on your birthday, so you HAVE to have one. :lol: