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Spinach Anyone?

Painted Lady

tattoo luvver
Reaction score
Just been to Asda...look what I found in a bag of spinach..


and its alive..

Extra protein!!!!!!!! Poor little moth, what's yucky about a moth?
you can keep your extra protein thankyou....moth is free and spinach in the bin :D
lucky moth to be still alive with all the packing and refrigeration :D

i will be checking the spinach i buy from now on :x
thats should have taken it back...ya never know you might have got a years supply of spinach free :D
I would have taken it straight back. Write to HQ and enclose a copy of the photo. See what they say.
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I sent back a pouch of mouldy cat food to Tesco and all I got was a voucher for one pouch of cat food !

So maybe Asda would charge you extra for the moth ! :lol:
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better check my bananas,might find a mexican red knee in them :wacko:
paul bought a cooked chicken once to take fishing with him and aaron.

when they opened it .it smelt funky so paul looked inside the chicken and there

was maggots in it :x :x
paul bought a cooked chicken once to take fishing with him and aaron.when they opened it .it smelt funky so paul looked inside the chicken and there

was maggots in it :x :x
never seen a funky chicken..... :clown: