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Specialist Vet Needed


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can anyone help with some special advice and help for a special dog. As some of you know, my darkling sandfly has been suffering with a sub-luxating shoulder since last June. I have asked our vet for a second opinion and after advice from a couple of trusted friends have spoken to Richard Torr. he said my vet,sandra Osborn, actually has got it spot on and would have done just the same. However he says my next step should be referral to a good orthopaedic vet at a centre of excellence. I have an awful quandary, this has gone on a long time, sandra wants to rest him for another year and thinks if he's operated on he will not only not race again but will probably be crippled. Of course I want him to race and fulfill himself, he is a very good little dog, but more important I must be sure he can have a good quality of life, notpermanently on lead and can play with the others and enjoy himself ,not in pain.

Does anyone know a vet who is proven to be good with shoulder injuries,, lots of them are brilliant surgeons but run a mile when confronted with a sholder.

thanks guys, I'd be so grateful for any advice for my very special boy .
our Andrew Bartholew is a brilliant greyhound/whippet vet, we have been going to him for 32 years and he has dealt with many other racers friends, including Armistice Day, over the time we have known him. He pinned my dogs' leg and he raced again against the likes of Brown-eyed Girl very competively. I have emailed him your post and asked if he can help. You can contact him on 01865 242600 which is Oxford

hope all goes well from the Wilsdons
Thanks guys, SO much. Whippet friends are BRILL.. I so appreciate the advice, thanks for replying. Looking into everything, the most important thing is Zephyr's happiness and quality of life. It doesnt hurt him when his shoulder pops out and I can replace it quite easily at the moment, I think after long hours of worrying and heart searching I have almost decided to retire him from racing ,andf not go for difficult and painful surgery, with his reputaton intact, rather than come back in a year havin lost 5 lengths and virtually as a no-hoper.. he would hate that .As long as he can enjoy his life at home and be able to run around and have fun here. I cant bear the thought of long weeks of pain and distress and caging, for him. Going to try Tens machine next.. if I can find where to get one!
Any local chemist will have a tens machine i think they are usually around twenty pounds good luck

Have you considered hydro-therapy? My lurcher, who tore the ligament in her shoulder, is now back to normal after the ministrations of a referal vet and ongoing hydro-therapy on an aqua-treadmill.

The vet did an arthroscopy and then injected steroids direct into the shoulder joint. After a period of rest she was referred to Meadow Farm Hydrotherapy where she has Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Treadmill sessions. It is a huge commitment because the treadmill is twice weekly to start with (now fortnightly) and the physio and acupunture were weekly to start with (physio now finished - acupuncture every six weeks).

Because of the instability of her shoulder she ended up with all sorts of muscle tensions over her withers. All of these were helped with physio/hydro/acupuncture.

This dog was nine when she was injured.

Check out to see the qualifications of all those involved as it is a very professional set up.
thanks mandy, just thought of phoning chemists and got one from Lloyds!

also, yes he has hydrotherapy, though not treadmill. think we are gradually coveringall the bases.. thank you all so very much for help and interest. whippy friends are THE BEST!! x
Hi Gill. I've only just 'surfaced' and read this.

I'm sure that you know what I'd do and we have discussed it several times.

I'd not put a dog through such an op. Woody has a permanently dislocated shoulder and he copes with living with 8 other dogs, when he runs you can't tell that he is lame and he runs off lead, chases squirrels etc etc. Personally I wouldn't put a dog through the awful pain of shoulder surgery and it's healing unless it was a life or death situation.

I can think of several whippets who have lived with a non-located shoulder and have lived normal lives. Albeit not on the race track.

With Zeph he is still able to free run and play with Drifter and he and you have learned to manage the problem so I'd leave well alone and do as Sandra has suggested.
Hi Gill, my vet Ian McQueen is an orthopaedic specialist. I don't know of his expertise in sholder injuries but it cant help to ask, and he is more local,based in Devizes.