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Spay Next Week


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Hi everyone

I have booked Maisy in to be spayed next week - she is 20 months old now, had her second season at Christmas so wanted to have the spay done before the next one arrives.

Has anyone any tips from previous experience? Cone of shame or is a babygrow for example a better option?

Any help/advice much appreciated! Thanks in advance :)
Not with a spay but my boy has had two operations (neutering then a lump removal). The cone wasn't a great success, it looked hard and uncomfortable, it compromised his vision, eating was impossible so it had to be taken off and put back on which was also a nuisance and he kept banging into things which might have hurt him too. So for the second op, we got a little inflatable one. He used it like the neck cushions you see people using when they are travelling - a million times better. So I'd say that or a bodysuit depending on how easy a suit would be to get on and off.
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Agree. Cone was very uncomfortable for our previous boy after shoulder surgery.
T-shirt was a much better option.
Good luck with it, my girl was really good after her op, at first she had no idea how to lay down with a cone on (although she was 4, she’d never had one on before) it was funny, she got used to it though and we had no problems keeping her quiet for the 10 days she had her stitches, just plenty of cuddles and two 10 minute on lead walks a day and she was happy. The only problem with a baby grow/T-shirt is she could easily wriggle and manage to lick the wound or she might even manage to wriggle out of it completely so you’d need to watch her like a hawk!

The only problem she had was after she got the stitches out she developed lumps under the skin along the scar and there was a little gooey patch, the vet thought it was a reaction to the dissolvable stitches they’d used inside so we had to have I think some tablets and cream. So just make sure you keep her as quiet as possible, and look out for anything unusual.
Good luck :)
Hi, I dislike the cones it doesn’t give the pup much freedom and comfort. I recommend the babygrows. You can buy them from amazon or even buy a baby/childs one