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Sparky An Update


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I thought I would give an up-date of Sparky following his recent incident.

His wounds have healed really well, most of the bruising has now gone and he has a couple of scars but I think they will fade in time. The vet is very pleased with his progress and said we had done a fantastic job, we followed Debs advice (Alfyn) on how to treat the wounds and it has certainly worked a treat. He is however, having some problems when out on his lead but we are working through these steadily and not expecting too much too soon. He spent half-an-hour at the vets on Thursday evening with her dog who is a terrier mix and it has been great therapy for him, when we initially started Sparky would not come out from behind the desk but with gentle persuasion and his own inquisitive nature he did really well.

We have all the time in the world and every day he is coming on, all our dog walking friends are being fantastic and wait for us in the morning just to give Sparky the opportunity to mix with their dogs. At the moment it has to be on his terms but it's almost as though the other dogs understand.

He can't cope with anything going on behind him, and we're working on that but I do wish joggers would wear bells. (w00t)

I have entered him for Crufts, it gives us something to aim for, and a smaller show in Feb, but I have already made the decision that I won't take him if he's not happy.

In my heart I think he will come through this and get back to his given role in life as everybody's friend.

Jenny and Sparky
Glad to hear Sparky is doing so well . Entering him for Crufts is at least giving you something to work towards.

We had a similar situation with Ben's dog Bandit but he was terrified of large crows of people he didn't know .He was happy at open shows as he regullary saw most of the people at other shows but Crufts was going to be a big thing for him the ultimate test. Wearrived there early before 7am there was hardly anyone there so we found his bench and settled him down in his cage.

We found he took us all by surprise and took it all in his stride even to the extent that Ben was asked to take part in the discover dogs handling display with Bandit

Unknown to us it was done as a 'Faking It, the TV program type thing the crowd encouraged to cheer for the fake handler .We just prayed that after taking the whole day in his stride Bandit would continue to do so

The cheering started and far from turning into the nervous wreck we were expecting Ben and Bandit were one of only two handlers that the crowd decided had handled a show dog before

Bandit was an older dog when we took him on for Ben as a junior handler dog and was always nervous of strangers but thanks to Ben who always handled him his confidence grew to be able to do this big thing

I know this is different than your problem with Sparky as I know it is going to be hard for him being terrier day as well as hound day but we never thought we would be able to take Bandit to a show like Crufts but Ben perserved and Bandit came good

Good luck with Sparky and hopefuly he will be ready for the big day. See you there

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This is encouraging news Jenny. Keep up the good work and give him a hug from me! :huggles:
Pleased to hear of Sparky's progress so far.

What understanding friends and doggie friends you have. You'll get there in the end, l'm sure

Good luck to you and Sparky :luck: :luck:
Very best luck to you and Sparky, Jenny :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Very good news Jenny :thumbsup: I do hope Sparky goes from strength to strength :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Very glad to hear that Sparky is progressing so well physically and I am sure that you will get there mentally. Poor Sparky good luck :huggles: :luck: :thumbsup:
So glad Sparky is doing well, hope it continues, good luck with him :luck: :luck:

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to little Sparky and to you Jenny :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Glad Sparky is on the mend physically and hopefully psychologically - you are doing the exact right things, and what nice dog walking friends you have!!

I reckon he will bounce back in no time :huggles: :thumbsup:
So pleased Sparky is on the mend, His sister Phoebe (Ruby) sends a :huggles:
I'm so pleased he's coming along Jenny. :huggles: :huggles: Russ does seem to breed happy confident outgoing pups so I'm sure he'll come good before long. :) Cousin Logan sends his fondest regards and warm handshakes - or mad wags and licks of the unmentionables!! (w00t)
awww,well done on his progress so far,im sure hell go from strength to strength, :thumbsup: kind loving owners like you will always be rewarded by your patience. :huggles: well done sparky and good luck at crufts little man :luck:
:luck: and lots of :* :huggles: to Sparky, he's improving well and he's lucky to have your time and patience and friendly doggy mates to keep him going in the right direction, :luck: for the show