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South West Whippet 2001 and 2002


Whippet Servant
Reaction score
I'm compiling a list of Savannah's wins and I know she placed either Reserve or VHC in at least 2 classes at one or two of the South West Whippet Club shows in 2001 and 2002, but I've lost the tickets so I don't have dates or the classes.

Does anyone have the results from the shows from those years stored away anywhere - I've done a web search and can't find it.

Her registered name is Aphrael Aoife.

Thanks in advance:)

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Thanks - someone found the results for autumn 2001 and it wasn't there. I might be completely barking, but I'm sure I remember bringing home at least 1 VCH from a South West Whippet show. Does anyone have the bitch results for February 2002?? It would most likely be Junior or Maiden classes. I know it wasn't autum 2002.

Thanks in advance:)

Hi wendy,

I have had a look as I went to the Feb show but unfortunately have only got the results up to Minor puppy bitch. Sorry - hope someone else can help

Jo :D
No problem - thanks so much for trying:) I'm just going to have to hope that one day the card or catalogue will turn up LOL. Now see if they would just give out ribbons to 5th place I'd not have had a problem :b
