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South Oxford Wrc Agm


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We plan to hold an AGM on this date but we need to know who is interested in the club continuing and willing to attend. We would also like suggestions on where we should hold it as there are not many from Oxford so we would like to hold it where more members could get to.

Please advise Stephy or Sara Eaton by the 11th December
Just a reminder about the AGM as we have not had any response yet.

Please let Sara or Stephy know by 11th Dec which is Sunday
As there have been problems with this website I expect quite a few people will not have looked on here. Weather permitting we would be willing to attend. We are an hour's drive from Oxford so anywhere within Oxford area is fine by us.
We will be holding the AGM at the Portway Inn Hotel (Premier Inn) which is just off the roundabout on the road down to the Weyhill Pub/Andover Club. It will start at 12.00 midday and coffee/tea/biscuits will be provided. As no one came up with any suggestions I decided it was the best midway point and everybody knows the area. Items for the agenda are to be sent to me on or phone me on 07711019746 mob/01865379889 home. Can the winners of the last yearly trophies please bring them back as the new winners need to engraved on them.

Whether we have a open will really depend on the Council and if we do have to go to the extremes of risks assessments etc it might not be viable. Whether the Club continues depends on the support of the members so show it and attend the AGM.

Happy New Year to all

Anything for the agenda needs to be with me by the 22nd January for the AGM on the 29th Jan at 12.00 midday please ( still waiting for daughter's baby to arrive at the mo!!)
Reminder about AGM at Portway Inn on Sunday at 12.00am.