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Sout East WRC open


New Member
Reaction score
Overall-Another Spot (A really god dog).

Only a small amount of dogs (sadly). Do you know Thurrock is only 2 hours from the Midlands :b


only two hours from the midlands ?? could you please tell us how many miles it is to thurock from stevenage :D thanks

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Another Spot looked good at the champs weekend too - Well Done!! Is It John who's his owner? Just nosey coz he's bought some stuff off me.
:) Hello jade its ash just logged in k9 community You going to devon

From Stevenage, I reckon it's less than hour...Come along. luckily it's less than 5 minutes from the M25 J30/'s most friendly :) Untill the members between themselvesargue over nothing and the realise it's exactly that that...nothing :p A bit like most clubs i suppose...Oh, and there's a bar available...too...

We have some members from Stevenage and as far as Hastings...

Hi Pat, I cant remember how long it used to take you to get to our old track.

But if you add just over an hour on to that. Thats how lomg it would take you to get to Thurrock, which I think would be more than 2 hours.
Back again just looked it up on the pc Pat, It would take you about 2 hours and 40 minutes. I hope that helps.
It wouldn't take 2hrs plus from Stevenage! Maybe an hour at the most...We can get to Melton (Asfordy) in 2 hours max?? Unless, Pat doesn't actualy live in that's the impression I got... ???

:) no Paul, Pat dosnt live in Stevenage but knows the way to our old track.

We worked it out again it would take Pat at least 3 hours to Thurrock.

But that wont put her off.
Thanks peeps :D we will look forward to racing at Thurock......... we live in Notts Paul... sorry if i lead you to believe i lived in stevenage, but like tanyia says i know my way to that club...we have had many a good days racing at Stevenage, we are sorry to see it close..... :(
My apologises...But, Thurrock needs all the help it can get...we will have lot of local dogs next year, but really need other people to support us. By this time next year we should have TWO great tracks on the same field. Sheila and Arthur are working real hard...and deserve support from all over for the good of racing in the South...


NB. The Gerry Day Open is the next big meet...
I agree paul, we need as many tracks as we can get, Aurther and Sheila really work hard for the good of the sport and we must all try and attend some of your opens.........good luck to all who are going down devon....... :D
:( Sorry this is going to sound bitter but my husband financially kept Stevenage W.R.C going for years with very little support or credit for his effort.

Watford, Portsmouth, Stevenage. Three clubs in the south closed due to lack of support from their own region and members.

Stevenage had a very good new track, and was easy to get to.

A brand new track is just sitting doing nothing :(

Was this for the good of the south :angry:
tanyia, I don't know the history of Southern Whippet racing, as you know I've just got my 1st pup. But, it is a shame it isn't better supported from people outside the area. I know when my dog gets a little older we will support the midland and northern clubs...We've already been to Melton (and got 10 seconds of racing) :( Hopefully with a few litters around new people will come along...but, not to race against their litter mates I hope...

And. it is a shame Stevenage is no longer, less than 50 mins from Thurrock...where I DO actually live :)
