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Soul2soul Hits Brick Wall At Easington


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Took Tia to easinton 4 a handslip as dogs haven't been raced 4a while due to weather she only jumped over the rail ran along the outside of the bend then jumped back on the track onthe first bend and ran straight into the wall!!! Dozy Dog!! She ok we had her checked over 4 disc 2 hips neck put back in now she just needs to heal 4 a couple ov weeks if it wasn't 4bad luck we would have no luck at all!! :wacko:
Took Tia to easinton 4 a handslip as dogs haven't been raced 4a while due to weather she only jumped over the rail ran along the outside of the bend then jumped back on the track onthe first bend and ran straight into the wall!!! Dozy Dog!! She ok we had her checked over 4 disc 2 hips neck put back in now she just needs to heal 4 a couple ov weeks if it wasn't 4bad luck we would have no luck at all!! :wacko:
(w00t) specsavers doing some good deals.

experienced dog, unbelievable hope she is ok:luck:

not having a lot of luck with your dogs at the moment :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
omg so glad she's not badly hurt ... she was very lucky!!
Can I just say well done to anth 4posting his first ever topic on k9 (w00t) he sed he couldn't belive what he was seeing!!!
glad she ok ant she got mind of her own good thing is it not your leg (w00t) she ran in to mind broken it but she tough bitch she soon recover :luck: see soon
OMG (w00t) ,so glad she's not too badly hurt. :luck: on a speedy recovery
whats she like :wacko: as she been round the track before !! glad shes ok and not done any lasting damage
thank god shes ok, good luck 4 a qucik recovery :luck: im the same where bad luck is concerned its all ive had since xmas :wacko:
(w00t) It must have been horrific to watch. I bet your heart was in your mouth, I know mine would have been. So glad she's going to be o.k. You must be so relieved, as it could have been so much worse. Let us know how she progresses. :wub:
Can I just say well done to anth 4posting his first ever topic on k9 (w00t) he sed he couldn't belive what he was seeing!!!
Yeah congratulations Anth cos when I seen the title I nearly had a heart attack cos I thought it was fatal!!! :eek:

So glad she's ok considering it could of been so much worse! :sweating: and they recon owning a dog increases your life span! (w00t)

Get well soon Tia :huggles:
OMG you must have been terrified watching that take place :eek: . I am so pleased she is going to be ok :luck:
Silly dog lol

Pleased she is ok ...i would of s***t myself if i had been there
Glad she's still in one piece Anth, she's one tough little dog!