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Sorry Bout This Folks,lol


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Sorry for sickening you all with racing pix folks.But ive spent hours editing these buggers,and think they are worthy of a wee post on here.As there may be shots of folks dogs,who are on here,and it just wouldnt be fair,if i put shots of everyone elses dogs up,and not theirs.Anyway,thats what i bought my camera kit for,and y i love this kind of thing.If i can drive 178 miles,to take them,and the same back home,and then spend hours n hours editing them,and stikin them on here.Then im sure no one would mind spending a few minutes of their time,giving them the once over,lol.Just having a bit of craic folks.Seriously though.I enjoyed doin every single one of them.So enjoy lookin,and thanx.

This is Kirsty,with her pride n joy.Danniboi.The other lad,is the new owner of wee Buster,out of Tara,and wee Ernie.



This is Trouble.Still going well.But way too heavy,for this game.





We always get a laugh of some kind,at one race day,or another,and this event gave up a few laughs,of it's own.This hairy friend,was trying to be the good samaratin,or summit,and thinking the other poor soul,didnt know the way up the field to the finnish line.Decided to take her by the scruff of the neck,and led her the whole way,from their 1st stride,to their last,and never let go once.I think she should become a guide dog,for some of those blind line judges that we all have a go at,now and again,lol.







Ive been told that this old hairy girl,at the back.Beat everything in her day,and won the all ireland racing title,at BIRR,Co OFFALY,a couple of years ago.She's over 5 years old now,and after a very hard years lamping and coursing.Has picked up a few injuries,and not what she was up a straight line.Ive been assured tho.That she still takes some beating.When what she's after.Isnt tied to a piece of string,lol.Her owner ,is one of the nicest folk,ive ever met,and a real gentleman,of the old school.

Mow this can run,and im realy looking forward,to putting my best efforts against it,sometime this year.But one thing ive learnt over the years.Is that when u need to be ready.You need to be ready,and there's no point going to the line against the likes of this lad.If youre not ready.Cuz he'll make you look a right plonker,lol










Paris,and wee Ernie,had a great run.But it looks like Ernie has finaly past the sell by date now,and Paris ran a blinder,to beat him.I got a nice roll of shots,of this battle.So i think it only right,that i share the whole sequence with you all.







OMG how funny is that little dog hanging on to the other ones collar. That's fab Billy (w00t)
This was Eddie's Hugo.Who we all know.Is one from that great litter,that Rose Mc Coy,bred.From TorixSugar Daddy.This has to be one of the best litters ever bred in this country.I dont think we've seen the last of this Hugo dog.As he's very lightly raced to date,and has had only a few training runs,to date this year.It looked in the early stages of this one.That her was realy up against it this time.But he had another gear,in reserve,and when it kicked in.He was out n gone.





Now it was the wee lady's turn,to show everyone that what she had in the tank.Would match anything,either side of the Irish sea.Lb,for lb.I would go as far,as to say,that only the very best,of what was racing here.Would get near her,over 200 yrds or more.Im not affraid to say either.That when i seen the very 1st photo's of this litter,on here.I put my finger on this wee girl,and said she would be something very special.She's proved me right,and what i wouldnt give.To have her in my kennel.Only 2 r 3 inches taller.I have one exactly like her,at the moment,only she's just a pup.If she can run like this lady.Then i dont care,that she's only going to be 21 inches,max.



With me being in hospital for a few weeks,and no work done with the dogs.We decided to take Dannyboi down a run,in the hope of getting a by run,somewhere along the line.As the competitions,entered the later stages.Thanx to Shane,who kept this in mind.We got a run,and if this boy gets fit,and stays uninjured.I think he might just be the ticket,we need.After a somewhat clumsy slip.Where he seemed to go all awkward,and flew out to the right.He straightened himself up,and that was that.It made me quite sorry,that we didnt go ahead,and enter him anyway.But there's no point,as i said earlier.In being on the line.If you aint ready,to be on it,and there's a whole season ahead of us now.To get them all ready. Providing,i can keep meself,right that is,and not put meself back in a stupid hospital bed,lol. Im once again,putting the whole sequence of shots on.As it shows,the distance that i was away,from the dogs,and also the dificult,that it is.To keeep the 2 dogs,in the shot,and why i have had to post so many shots,of single dogs.

This is the 1st shot.But i'll put the rest of the sequence,in the next post.To keep them all together.
This was Eddie's Hugo.Who we all know.Is one from that great litter,that Rose Mc Coy,bred.From TorixSugar Daddy.This has to be one of the best litters ever bred in this country.I dont think we've seen the last of this Hugo dog.As he's very lightly raced to date,and has had only a few training runs,to date this year.It looked in the early stages of this one.That her was realy up against it this time.But he had another gear,in reserve,and when it kicked in.He was out n gone.





Now it was the wee lady's turn,to show everyone that what she had in the tank.Would match anything,either side of the Irish sea.Lb,for lb.I would go as far,as to say,that only the very best,of what was racing here.Would get near her,over 200 yrds or more.Im not affraid to say either.That when i seen the very 1st photo's of this litter,on here.I put my finger on this wee girl,and said she would be something very special.She's proved me right,and what i wouldnt give.To have her in my kennel.Only 2 r 3 inches taller.I have one exactly like her,at the moment,only she's just a pup.If she can run like this lady.Then i dont care,that she's only going to be 21 inches,max.



With me being in hospital for a few weeks,and no work done with the dogs.We decided to take Dannyboi down a run,in the hope of getting a by run,somewhere along the line.As the competitions,entered the later stages.Thanx to Shane,who kept this in mind.We got a run,and if this boy gets fit,and stays uninjured.I think he might just be the ticket,we need.After a somewhat clumsy slip.Where he seemed to go all awkward,and flew out to the right.He straightened himself up,and that was that.It made me quite sorry,that we didnt go ahead,and enter him anyway.But there's no point,as i said earlier.In being on the line.If you aint ready,to be on it,and there's a whole season ahead of us now.To get them all ready. Providing,i can keep meself,right that is,and not put meself back in a stupid hospital bed,lol. Im once again,putting the whole sequence of shots on.As it shows,the distance that i was away,from the dogs,and also the dificult,that it is.To keeep the 2 dogs,in the shot,and why i have had to post so many shots,of single dogs.

This is the 1st shot.But i'll put the rest of the sequence,in the next post.To keep them all together.


This was the northern crowd,having a break,and a natter.Between rounds.


Then it was off again.For some more pretty good racing.



I think these are also worth showing the whole sequence of shots.






This was an interesting race.Between Eddie's Hugo,and Rose's Wee pocket rocket,Zola.Brother,ansd sister,none other.Again,i liked the lot.So the lot go on,lol.








I thot this one,was one of the best ive ever taken.As it shows just about every detail,of whats going on with the body.But also Heart,Mind,and just about every other thing imaginable.That makes these wee do or die dogs.Do what they do.Id give effort 150,out of a 100 here,lol.

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This is another very tight battle.But as i said earlier.Trouble's new owner,has her way too heavy for this game,and it showed here.She has always had a slow kick off.But her 2nd kick,usualy comes in,and she can run a bit.2nd kick seems to be missing altogether here,as it never happened.




These were the only good shots i got,of the only big northern dog,to take part this time around.He belongs to Fiona Devlin.He was drawn against what was once one hell of a bitch,and a previous winner,of some tough competitions down south.But they dont keep their speed for ever,and it looks like she too,has had her day,in this game.






Again.This shows the heart and determination,coming through,in the fawns from the north,lol.


This was the final of the 24 inch dogs,and the brindle,is the one that Dannyboi ran up the field with.In the by run,that he got.Danny would probibly have been in this catagory competition,as he's 24 inches.


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This was an interesting race.Between Eddie's Hugo,and Rose's Wee pocket rocket,Zola.Brother,ansd sister,none other.Again,i liked the lot.So the lot go on,lol.







I thot this one,was one of the best ive ever taken.As it shows just about every detail,of whats going on with the body.But also Heart,Mind,and just about every other thing imaginable.That makes these wee do or die dogs.Do what they do.Id give effort 150,out of a 100 here,lol.

O Billy,you got some great shots there, and the commentaries was great. All brilliant powerful dogs. Danny Boy, Diego, Hugo, all top dogs. A great summer in front of them
Now we have the big northern final,that we were all hoping for.Rose's Diego,against his litter brother.Eddie's Hugo.Diego took a flyer from slips here,and was well into his stride,before hugo new what hit him.But then Diego can hit the lids.As they say in greyhound racing,and if ure not swithed on.Then hard cheese.Hugo put in one hell of an effort though.As Eddie told me there was no more than a head in it,on the line.Which is why i said at the start of this topic.That i dont think we have seen the last,of this boy.Anyway.Here's the final,of the under 23 inch dogs,and what a final it was.







As they drew level with me,at the 100 yrd mark.Hugo was starting to make inroads,into deago's early kick,and things were getting very close.I dropped the camera to my waist,and wathed what was a very good pair of dogs.Go the last 100 yrds,flat out,in one hell of a final.Well done you 2.Those dogs are a real credit to you both.



This was a father and son effort here,in the semi final,of the big guns,as far as i know.Unfortunately,my battery went,and i only got a few shots in.Better a few than none though.I missed the other semi,as i was away getting another battery,from the car.Sorry folks.But these thing happen.





There was a half hour break,before the final.So a chance for a cup of tea,and a few fags.It was a tence few moments.When the 2 finalists took up their places in the slip.But when the lure came past them,and it seemed that something went terribly wrong with the slip.I lowered my camera.When only one of the dogs seemed to get away,after the lure.My 1st reaction,or thought ,was that summit was wrong,and the lure would be stopped.So i never took any shots.As i thought id get them,2nd time round.But the race went on,and there was no way possible.For the dog to come so far from behind,to make this one a race.As the same person owned both dogs anyhow.He had 1st and 2nd sowed up anyhow.So that was that,and a very proud John Maher.Had won the big one.For the 3rd year in a row.What a dog,and what an achievement,against some very fast competition.Well done John,and congratulations mate.So to finish.(Thank God) Here is a shot of the man himself.With the organiser of yet another wonderful days sport.Thanx again Shane.Hopefully we'll be racing next time round mate.So thats it folks.Im totaly knackered her now,and realy looking forward to getting some shut eye,lol.If any of the lads down there want some photo's done shane.That i dont already know off.Give me a ring mate.Or give them my number.Hope you all enjoyed these.Good night,and good racing. Billy.Anyone looking a photographer,for whatever,can pm me.I just love the sound of a shutter button,lol.

You'd win some comps with that one Billy - get it sent to countryman's weekly for starters!! (w00t)