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Son's Partner In Labour!!


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Just to let you know my son's partner Emma is in labour, as we speak and hopefully the baby should arrive sometime today. Please remember her and my son James today. Prayers welcome. Good wishes too! Will keep you all posted!

Sadie x :thumbsup:
How exciting ! All good wishes to them all xxx
How exciting - hope all goes well for an easy birth and very best wishes to James and Emma, and the new baby when he/she arrives. x x x
Thank you ladies. Seems baby is making a very slow start into the world but Mum, Dad and Bump are well and relaxed. Should be sometime today so please keep them all in your thoughts. I will post pics/news asap. ;)

Sadie x
LOLl All quite embarrassing now! Labour has started, but things are moving very slowly. Emma is keeping busy, despite the aches and pains etc but until the contractions are 5 mins apart or waters have broken, the hospital don't want to know. My son is being a patient and attentive Dad to be, so we just have to wait Baby's time!

Yesterday at 1.30pm with a heavy "show" and the onset of cramps etc we all swung into `baby mode`. Things have been quieter today, which has probably given both Mum and Dad to be a chance to prepare for the final!!! (w00t)

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and good wishes. We will keep you posted!! o:)

Sadie x
Awwww! Not funny when they start messing around! I was 2 weeks overdue and had my waters break and was "in Labour" for 5 days before my first was born! Good luck xxxx
The midwife told Emma labour had started at her check on Wed morning. With the plug very evidently passed it seemed we were on red alert for sometime Wed/Thurs. She is keeping active although getting more uncomfortable each day. My son is on official paternity leave now so they can swing into action as and when needed. I now have to let my 40 or so online friends know we are still a-waiting!!!

All thoughts and good wishes much appreciated though. I have written a small booklet for Emma entitled Baby Bump and my local printer should have it done later today. I hope this will be an encouragement to her! :huggles:

Bye for now.

Sadie x
Oh , I hope all goes well and baby arrives safe and sound !! Thinking of you all !
A quick up date is that Emmas had a "sweep" today,(for those ladies in the know about such things!) so we are expecting this very slooooow labour to really take off now. :sweating:

Please keep her in your thoughts...

Sadie x
All good wishes for a speedy pain free labour :luck: