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Some People.......

Alastair E

New Member
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I just dispair sometimes......

Today, I was driving home, with Merlin, our 10 month old Mad whippet, and saw a lost looking grey/blue whippet wandering the street. He had no collar, but looked well fed--(actually quite fat for a whippet) I stopped and tried to coax him to me, but just like a whippet he ran off down the street, and had no road-sense, darting accross the road in front of cars etc. I persued very carefully down the street on foot having abandoned the car in charge of Merlin, where a snooty looking woman walking a shaggy four-legged carpet, started shouting that I should keep my dog on a lead, because 'blue' wanted to play with her carpet!--Even when I told her it wasnt my dog, she wouldnt have it, and insisted that I should lead 'my' dog--She of course made things worse by shouting at the 'lost' whippet, and hurling insults at him and me!

I really wish that there was a requirement that prospective dog-owners must attend a course or something, informing them that a dog is a very social creature and loves the company of his own kind as well as humans, plus all the other things we long-term dog-owners have learned over the years....., and that meeting another dog in the street or wherever, isnt necessarally a bad thing to happen, and should be treated accordingly--Shouting and the like can cause fights especially when one dog is on a lead, and hence feels threatened as it cannot 'escape' takes on the 'fear' of its owner ......

Luckly, 'Blue' knew exactly where he was, and I came accross his owner, who was looking for him--He had escaped while she want looking as Whippets do!, so I advised she should have a collar on him at all times with some form of ID say like a post-code and house number, maybe even a phone-number She didnt seem to care for my advice either, and I was as pleasant as I know how to be........

And these two are dog 'owners'................... :rant:
:angry: not right! if you hadnt been about, that poor dog could have been run over, stolen....
Don't you sometimes wonder why you bother :rant: silly first woman and ungrateful 2nd woman :angry:
I couldn't agree more with everything you have said. Especially about letting dogs socialise- I can't stand people who automatically put their dogs on leads at the sight of any other dog and refuse to let them play even though they clearly want to and you have said that your dog is safe.
OEH said:
I couldn't agree more with everything you have said.  Especially about letting dogs socialise- I can't stand people who automatically put their dogs on leads at the sight of any other dog and refuse to let them play even though they clearly want to and you have said that your dog is safe.
it really depends on the dog. well over year and a half ago, nearly two, i wouldnt have trusted amber as she was going through a phase of serious aggression towards other dogs :( nowadays, shes fine :) except with westies, bizarrely :- "

dante is fine with others. i agree, dogs should socialise, but there may be a genuine reason why certain dogs get put on leads :(
it really depends on the dog. well over year and a half ago, nearly two, i wouldnt have trusted amber as she was going through a phase of serious aggression towards other dogs :( nowadays, shes fine :) except with westies, bizarrely :- " dante is fine with others. i agree, dogs should socialise, but there may be a genuine reason why certain dogs get put on leads :(

I agree & it depends on the dog & most owners know how their dogs will react for example if i have my IG's off the lead & see a dog haring towards them i put them back on quick smart.

It may the friendliest dog in the world but my littlies dont know this in advance & seeing some huge lab or dobe whatever heading for them i just know they would take fright & hare off so i always put them on, then let them meet the dog if its friendly whilst i have a secure hold on them just incase they do take fright :thumbsup: