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Some More Sad Silkstone News

lorna anne

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King.JPG med_477425df86cb6.jpg

This year has seen the loss of two more very special Silkstone whippets - the one in France and the other one in South Africa. :(

SILKSTONE OPERA QUEEN ("Thais") (1995-2009) from Danielle Lempereur's Blue Springs kennel in France was truly that 'pearl beyond price' - a broodbitch who passes on her class to her offspring. She was top UK broodbitch in 2007 thanks to both her son Tibere and daughter, Tiffany being made up here. Their progeny has in turn gone on to carry on the legacy of their dam. She will be sorely missed.

Read Danielle's touching homage to her at

More info on Thais can be found at

SILKSTONE KINGS RANSOM ("King") (1993-2009) was to make his mark in South Africa where he was part of the Whirlwind family of Juliette Duthie and Rose-Marie Cabion in Cape Town. He lived to the grand old age of 16 and a half :eek: . Like his sire, Dutch Gold, he was a real showman and will always be rembered for his wonderfully true movement. He sired numerous South African champions, and fortunately his owners had his semen frozen when he became too old to be used for mating. Consequently, his youngest litter was born a few weeks after his death.

More info on King can be found at

The contribution made by these two great whippets to the breed deserves recognition.
Awww such sad news :(

RIP beautiful hounds ~ run free at Rainbow Bridge :wub:
How incredibly sad :( :(

Run free, beautiful whippets xxxxxx
At least they both reached grand old ages unlike the other poor Silkstone boy.