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Some k9 Questions


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Following on from the K9 - Negative / Positive Thread here's some questions (for ped & non peds)

1) What topic stands out the most?

2) What member stands out the most?

3) Who did you not know before coming on here but have made a point of chatting to since?

4) Which other member do you relate to the most?

5) When have you found k9 most useful?
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Here's mine:

1) What topic stands out the most?

For me its got to be mkp's drug testing thread - it caused some agro but i think it eventually opened a few peoples eyes & brought about awareness of some issues within drug testing

2) What member stands out the most?

A fella called Stewart a few months after i joined - i think Nigel banned him in the end, quite funny when you look back now though :- )

3) Who did you not know before coming on here but have made a point of chatting to at the track since?

Tanyia, John M, nutty Mark Roberts of the ped section, mental Fleesh & John Noble

4) Which other member do you relate to the most?

Gotta be Peter & Jade, We like the same kind of dogs & have the same views on lots of things (Peter shares a passion for alcohol just like me too) gotta add michelle too for our liking of gin pit booze & men lol

5) When have you found k9 most useful?

For being so up to date & the recent breeding topics
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1) What topic stands out the most?

the topic non peds are'nt whippets

2) What member stands out the most?

got to agree with vicky it was deff stewart.its a shame he was banned :b

3) Who did you not know before coming on here but have made a point of chatting to at the track since?

everyone :D , also met with quite a few of the ped racers as well

4) Which other member do you relate to the most?

my drinking bud vicky and john m's smutty e-mails :wub:

5) When have you found k9 most useful?

finding out upto date info
:)) topic that stands out the most? Has to be the old fed new fed.

member that stands out the most? :lol: Got to be me Sherry lol advanced member now only joined january of this year. :lol:

who did u not know and who u chat to now? Fleesh, Joejess, Pauline and Susan. :talk to them all on msn. hi all :p

member relate to the most? Probably Fleesh and of course Donna with whom I normally agree. :lol:

when have u found k9 most useful? Definitly for racing results ie warwick and the photos. Also for cancellations of meetings ie easington 2moro. 8)
Vicky said:
2) What member stands out the most?A fella called Stewart a few months after i joined - i think Nigel banned him in the end, quite funny when you look back now though :- )
Yes, I remember Stuart. He insisted that I banned him :wacko:
1./what topic stands out the most.

has to be the distances thread but mkps drug testing thread certainly was an eye opener.

2./ what member stands out the most.

has to be butch, he kept you all guessing for a long time.

3./who did i not know untill coming on k9 but have made a point of chatting too at the track....

knew most folk before but knew their dogs better.....i would say neilpem and fleesh.

4./ which other member do i relate to most.

i would say pauline.....she is nice and helpfull to everyone.

5./when have i found k9 most helpfull.

All the time, it informs us of the race results, any gossip and most importantly it keeps everyone in touch with all the whippeteers from all over the country ...not forgetting the breeding info :p brilliant site......... :wub:
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Number 1 is Non Peds Not Whippets

Number 2 is Stewart I think I was the only one who liked him :b

Number 3 is Every English Non Ped Owner as we were the first Scotts on k9

number 4 is Michelle and Pauline ;)

number 5 is All the time as we hear bugger all up here :))
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did'nt stewart help you out with one of the dogs eating problem?
1) What topic stands out the most ~ Not realy any topics but I do find the non ped section entertaining when you all fall out :oops: (sorry)

2) What member stands out the most ~ yep have to agree Stuart! he was a real tosser but made me laugh and was a good sparing partner (I miss him so much :- "

3) Who did you not know before coming on here but have made a point of chatting to since ~ Vicky & Michelle (obviously) BJ (oh yes BJ) the southern coursing lads & CCS (not a southerner)

4) Which other member do you relate to the most ~ ? now thats a hard one

5) When have you found k9 most useful ~ everyday as it's so entertaining.
Yes Michelle, Stewart did give me advice with the fussy mutt( Robbie), he still a fussy mutt :angry: . I thought he was a great laugh :D . Long time ago now :teehee:
personally i thought mkp and the drug issue was pretty interesting although i dint like all the information :p

member that stands out most has to be : the moderators they always seem to post in all of the topics which is good to get the convo or topic going

members i have got to know and didnt know before would be vicky sadie, kim and karen wilson who i am now v good mates with

members who i usually agree with are : vicky we usual have similar opinions and some very good points are made by the boyd family that i tend to agree with

and k9 is most useful when u have a question that needs answering or when there is some juicy gossip your always first to know plus results and pictures are on almost instantly. :teehee: :p
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1) What topic stands out the most?

Are non-peds not whippets

2) What member stands out the most?

Patsy Gilmour :angry:

3) Who did you not know before coming on here but have made a point of chatting to since?

The ped racers esp Mark, Scott, Nigel, Judy and Beejay

4) Which other member do you relate to the most?

Michelle :huggles:

5) When have you found k9 most useful

K9 is useful in diseminating information such as cancelled opens, changed venues, tips on dog care, training, feeding etc, race results.

I also think it has helped improve non-ped whippet racing by giving a voice to the ordinary racer and providing a medium to facilitate changes that favour the ordinary racer. I'm convinced K9 helped in the return of the postal vote and the change in the NWRF committee both which have improved the sport. I doubt if previous injustices, such as the drugs bans, would be possible now because of K9. Information is power so they say and if K9 helps shift the balance of power from a select few to the average racer then that must be a good thing.

It has also helped the IRG establish itself as a serious alternative organisation improving choice for the non-ped racer ( I'm not claiming credit for the IRG's sucess for K9 - the credit for that belongs to the IRG committee :thumbsup: )
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