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Sociable lab/kelpie terrified of relative's dog.


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Our dog is very sociable and gets on with other dogs. Except for one very small dog. When we meet at a relative's house, my dog goes into hiding in their massive garden and does not return until the other dog has left. He literally trembles when this dog is close. We think getting them together more often will make things better, but not sure if it is worth seeing my dog so upset.

We are close family and don't want the dogs to become an issue!
Since you havent mentioned anything, I am assuming nothing specific has happened (like a fight) which could have caused this.

Just getting them together and hoping the problem will go away may not be enough. If your dog is afraid he will be unable to learn the new behaviour of tolerating and being neutral to the other dog. I suggest arranging with your relative to meet regularly in a wide open space. Both dogs on lead. Walk some distance apart - Your dog will have a tolerance zone; outside that zone the other dog is far enough away to pose no threat and not be scary. You need to find out what distance that is, bearing in mind it may change if your dog is already stressed, or tired for example.

Work on walking them with that distance between them and over many walks aim to reduce it - in very, very small steps. Expect this process to take weeks or months depending on how afraid your dog is and how regularly you can do it. If you see fear (watch for staring, lip licking, yawning) you are going too fast and need to increase the distance again. And (sorry if this is obvious) don't have them meet at the house until they can tolerate each other or you will undo all your work.