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So the Queen has a runny bottom......

it was to me, my mum always told me the queen didn't go to the loo.... :)
haha - well its on the news everytime I turn it on???

haha - hannaroon!
Well she is almost 87 and something like that could be very serious in someone of that age :ermm:
Yes, but I am not sure she would really want us all to know the details of her - ummm - bottom happenings?
She may well not want us to know about what is happening, but she falls squarely in one of the risk groups for complications of most stomach bugs, so I can understand why the doctors would want her to be checked out.
and we pay a license fee to watch this dribble or should i say shite lol really cant believe the beeb think we want to know this.
more dribble now the big news is banana is a respectable person :* :thumbsup: