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So Called Ban

Mike from Hereford

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A debate/discussion took place this morning on the radio.Simply put, more folk are supporting the hunt than before the Ban came into place.

Several callers , from CA to LACS to obvious Antis rang in and gave their views.

The radio host gave the opinion that after 700 hours of debate in the house of commons, all the elected members and New Labour knew the Ban would not work and he believed it was part of some "Spin" to distract from lack of success with rural issues.Transport, Health, Fuel, Education etc etc

Blair knew that the police would not be able to police the ban, so maybe a clever distraction ?

Also mentioned, foxes are still being pursued and caught using hounds but with the aid of using loopholes in the ban, ie Flushing to birds of prey as one example.Or flushed to be shot at.Or going off the scent of a drag hunt !!

The programme questioned these loopholes as a get out clause to keep hunters hunting, on the right side of the law.

Q.....................Is the Ban, a covert/overt spin, distraction ? will or can it be implemented.

Any views ?
hmmm, smells a tad off. especially as i read in yesterdays paper that the 1st ever conviction had occured. imagine my surprise to see, not a hooray henry setting 30 plus dogs onto the fox, but a young working class guy from liverpool out lamping with 2 dogs to provide exercise as well as dinner. yet again it seems that your average joe gets clobbered with a £135 fine plus £35 costs. most anti hunt people, while disliking lamping etc, would have understood the motivation. but for the lords who completely disregard the law for a jolly good laugh... where is the justice in that?
It actually sounds like it is more fun. Certainly the Chirk Hawking with Saluki's is going well.

Summat to do with circumventing the ignorant (IMO) law and hunting prey. It's upped the ante and made it even more fun it seems to me.
I didnt know lamping was now illegal , I thought rabbits were still fair game? Could it be the kid was poaching hence why he was fined? I look at the ban a bit like speeding its illegal, the chances of getting caught are minimal and if the fines only £135 its hardly worth worring about. Obviously fox hunting is more obvious.
Lamping rabbits is still legal , as long as you have the landowners permission.