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Smelly Season

kim & Tilly

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Ok Tilly is having her second season, first at 9 months second 9 months later

She is doing the usual mooching about and feeling sorry for herself..

She is in her first week

She is keeping herself reasonably clean, but last night she was sat on the settee next to me and I could smell quite a foul fishy smell :x :nuke: … this normal, I cant remember it being quite this bad last time, should I wipe her with wet wipes or bathe her regularly or could it be something wrong and I should take her to the vets???

Any help apprechiated
Are you sure she hadn't rolled in something disgusting???? (w00t) :lol:

Seriously though,if you're sure it's the discharge that stinks,i would take her to the vets immediately!
alfyn said:
Are you sure she hadn't rolled in something disgusting???? (w00t)   :lol:
Seriously though,if you're sure it's the discharge that stinks,i would take her to the vets immediately!

She left a bit of blood on the settee, and i smelt it :x and nearly passed out :nuke: yuk
Holly has a very strong smell too, but it's musky not fishy. Is she well in herself?
Our eldest bitch has a very strong odour too whilst in season,she does keep herself clean but I can still smell it and YES! it is fishy too,I think they are all different and some have a stronger odour than others BUT if you are worried in any shape or form it will certainly not hurt to speak to your vet about it and maybe get her checked over,if only for your peace of mind! :)
Can't say as I've had that with mine I would wait and see what the vet says, I wouldn't wipe her with wet wipes personally though dogs skin is different to ours and especially there, but thats just me :thumbsup:
*Lesley* said:
Can't say as I've had that with mine I would wait and see what the vet says, I wouldn't wipe her with wet wipes personally though dogs skin is different to ours and especially there, but thats just me :thumbsup:
I agree with you Lesley :thumbsup:
Josephine is astonishingly smelly when in season, truly unpleasant, but the vet says there is nothing wrong with her, just bad luck that she's a smelly one :x :x :x :x
The vet rang and asked if she was eatting and drinking normally

if she was being sick, and what colour the dischange was

He said it sounds as if everything is normal, and keep and eye on her over the week end...
hope she's alright and this isn't the way she's going to be each time :blink:

at least she's cleaning up after herself o:)
:- " Ive just logged on today and wanted to let you know my wee molly dolly has just come out of her first season - did have the same kinda fishy smell - not all the way through her season, just occasionally we would get a wiff of it in the air and yes, it nearly knocked out too :blink: She did keep her self clean but i just used a wee sponge and some spray specially for cleaning dogs down below - you just use it sparingly.

