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Smelly Dog!


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Hi, this is my first post! We have just picked up Lizzie from the rescue home. She is about 3 years old, a tiny black terrier type. Really cute and loveable and already seems to be settling in nicely (although I bet we'll have problems at some stage!)

The dog's home have bathed her, but she is still really smelly! What can we do to reduce the pong factor? Will she smell sweeter after a few days with us, or should we bathe her again in a few days.

She's just trying to lick my keyboard!!!

Hope someone can help us to get rid of her doggy pong! Our previous dog never honked this bad!!!!!
Hi, welcome to k9! Well done for taking on a rescue, bet you'll have lots of fun with her :thumbsup:

You may find that her smell starts to lessen after a few days of being in a nice clean house rather than smelly kennels, you can help this by washing her bedding frequently so it doesn't build up there.

Personally, I wouldn't attempt bathing her too soon, give her time to settle in first, and for her skin to settle after her last bath...too much can create skin problems & sensitivity. Our vet stocks a pet deodourising spray, perhaps you could find something like this which may help in the meantime?

I would definitely get your vet to give her a once over, and check her mouth/teeth and ears, as obviously these are areas that can sometimes create a bit of a pong!

:luck: Lots of luck with her......and let's see some piccies please! :lol:
Thanks ponygirl, I will certainly take your advice!

I was unsure whether this forum is for every type and make of dog! Even mixes like our little Lizzie - supposedly a terrier/black lab cross :blink: !

Will try and put a photo on. Must admit have already tried, and don't think it worked, so will have another go!!!!

Good luck with your new addition and welcome to K9. I am sure you will find this site really friendly and helpful as I have. As Ponygirl said I would wait a wee while to let her settle then give her a nice bath. I use Biogroom shampoo and it gives off a lovely fresh fragrance. You can get it from they have loads of good shampoos and products for dogs. I have to bath Megan once a month due to her having such a awkward tangly coat and her being snow white does not help. Once she settles please post a picture or two. We would love to see her.

My sister has a yorkie :- " ,,and he can get smelly :( . I gave him a bath when I was doggy sitting him here (w00t) , but he still was smelly. I just think yorkie etc have a doggy smell , I hardly smell anything off the whippet's, but they very short coated :D

Have fun with your new dog :cheers: :thumbsup:
Hi good luck with your new doggie :)

When ive brought dogs home from the kennals its always taken weeks for the smell to shift.

I do what ponygirl suggests and spray them with deodourising spray :D
Hi, when posting a photo make sure it is no more than75kb, or will not work.

I would definitely give her at least a week before bathing her again. If a dog is very smelly it may need to have its anal glands expressed. It is a job for the vet or experienced dog groomer. As ponygirl already said it may be worthwhile to have your vet to check her over. :luck:
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Would charcoal help? biscuits or can you get a powdered form ?

I also know from past experiences -dogs ive brought home from a couple of kennels have had a pong too :))
Welcome to K9 :cheers: Maz and your smelly dog too :lol:
Thanks all for the support!!! It's keeping us going, as she really honks!!! Had a good night with her, tho. She didn't cry or anything, but has obviously never been in a house before, and doesn't understand the whole toilet thing!

I think we will have to treat her like a puppy re: toilet training. Do you reckon I should get a crate?
Crates are great for assisting with toilet training as dogs do not like to mess in their own beds. As she's three, you will probably find that she comes on really quickly with the toilet training as she's capable of bladder control and just needs to learn where she is meant to go. Take her outside regularly and treat and praise her when she goes outside. Crate her overnight and i bet you'll find she doesn't make any mess in there. :luck:
Welcome to k9. We welcome all breeds of dogs - and x breeds - oh, and their owners of course!! :oops:

You will probably find the smell lessens with time, if not a peg on your nose will do wonders!!! :teehee:

Lizzie looks lovely, I'm sure she will settle down well with time and you will have a friend for life. BUT, be warned, if you stay with k9 you will get the whippet urge! 2 dogs are double the fun (and work- and expense!!) :thumbsup:
Hi all, thanks again for replies. Am after yet more advice, I'm afraid!

We have only had her 2 days yet, so I am guessing this toilet training thing takes weeks, not days???

She actually wet her crate, which I was disappointed about 'cos I thought doggies didn't like to mess their beds! We didn't tell her off, of course.

Also, she's very reluctant to go out for walks, and keeps collapsing on the pavement (on her tummy).

Any advice, folks?

As for whippets - well maybe one day! If we ever get to grips with our little Lizzie!!!

Awww sorry to hear little Lizzie is wetting in her crate. Maybe she is really nervous have you tried one of those doggy diffuser plug ins? They are meant to be good. I know the feline ones work well in a lot of cases. She looks ever so cute in her picture.

Good luck with her I do hope things improve, it will probably just take some time.

Today is the first day I haven't had to wash her bedding, so wees are becoming more 'controlled'. However poos are not!!! She won't perform whilst out on a walk, or in the garden.

We have started to put newspaper down on the floor and the incredible plan is to move it closer and closer to the door. My only worry is what happens when it reaches the door!!???

She is a little sweetheart, so affectionate and seemingly relaxed, but shows her insecurity in many ways - she is terrified of cars (although thank goodness she will sit in one and be driven!), and when we picked her up today, she cowered and looked terrified and actually weed a bit too!!! Bless.

But we were pleased that she has now started to relax a bit about being petted, and has almost laid on her back for a tummy tickle! :b
Aw, she's such a sweetie :wub: that's a really nice picture. So sad that she wee'd when you picked her up - she must have been handled by soem pretty unpleasant people in the past to react like that :( Reading your other posts, I think it's a great thing that she has ended up with someone who is obviously so loving and patient. Keep up the good work :thumbsup: