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Slugs And Snails


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I hate slugs and snails i was a bit late doing my hanging baskets and pots this year so in the front I just poped some patunias they have only been in 24 our and one tub on the wall has 1 solitery plant left i whent out last night and the hole tub was full of snails they looked to have climed up my clamiates and got in. I dont use sprays or chemicals in the garden but does anyone had a solution to keep the slimy litte sods out of my tubs
You could try copper bands, most garden centres stock it, it makes a barrier that they won't cross. There must be other ways, some plants slugs don't like, wish I could find them. :- "

Go on for organic methods of pest control including slugs and snails!!!!!
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Try putting beer in a bowl for the snails. They drink it, get drunk & crash into each other. 8)

we have a big problem with slugs, they seem to like this weather, we use crushed egg shells, put them all around your plants and they cant get across them as the shells stick to them.

hope this helps.

The copper bands seem to work really well. I planted a load of sweet pea seeds but most of the little seedlings were chomped away by slugs/snails. So I moved the survivors somewhere safe until they were a bit bigger & then surrounded the pot with a thick copper band & touch wood :luck: they have survived for over a week now & are growing really big. I also covered the top of the soil with finely crushed grit, you can get it from a pet shop, it's the stuff you use for budgies.

I don't use any slug pellets because of the animals but my ferrets eat any slugs they find :x :x