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Slippery elm bark


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Hi i was wondering if anyone has used slippery elm bark on their dogs? Someone recommended it for Marley as he suffers from colitis the odd time.I haven't tried it yet but I'm curious if it works . Thank you
I haven't needed to (T seems to have a cast iron stomach) but I have some acquaintances who say it's very good.
I've heard good reviews on it , i want to give it a try. It would be handy to have it in the home especially with Marleys stomach! I might just buy some and give it a go whenever he needs it. Thanks
No i haven't seen that one . Sounds good. Thanks good price as well.
I've tried it in the form of Dorwest's Tree Barks Powder, but it's never done anything for Jasper's iffy digestion. I've heard good reports from other owners though.
I usually use pro kolin for Marley and Oliver especially if they've ate something they shouldn't have its really good. The odd time i use pure pumpkin in his food once a day and it really helps Marleys colitis.
Fructooligosaccharides (FOS): Dog food manufacturers Iams and Royal Canin both make a prescription diet that emphasizes the addition of FOS to its formulation. FOS’s are carbohydrates connected with fructose (fruit sugar) units that attach to glucose (starch sugar) units. While most carbohydrates are digested by the bacteria of the small intestine, FOS’s, while not fibers, are digested in the same way in the large intestine and yield the same bio-chemicals as fibers. Tests have shown that this substance helps remove pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria from the large intestine and promote the growth of good bacteria.

Read more at Caring For Canine Colitis: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments For Dogs - Dogtime