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Sleeping problems


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Hi all,

We have an 18 month old cockapoo called Lyla.

We had her from around 12 weeks & she has slept in her crate majority of the time. We decided the crate was a bit small & thought we would try just putting her bed at the top of the stairs outside our door.

She spent majority of the night crying & pacing around the house. She had got toys out everywhere downstairs & pulled shoes off the rack, which she has never done before.

Lyla then spent a lot of yesterday, wandering around the house crying with a toy in her mouth, again she doesn’t normally do this. My wife is normally Lyla’s favourite but she spent a lot of time sat on my lap yesterday, again crying with the toy in her mouth.

Have we upset her by trying to change where she sleeps? We thought she would prefer the bed on the floor as it gives her more room. We are a both a bit concerned as she hasn’t been herself since Saturday night

thanks in advance for any advice or thoughts
Have you gone back to letting her sleep in her crate? Where in the house is the crate, and do you close the door or leave it open?

Also, is she neutered? Could she be coming into season, or having a phantom pregnancy?
Last night we let her just sleep on our bed, we just wanted her to settle.

Normally she runs up stairs every night wanting to sleep on our bed but our door is closed. So we just take her back downstairs to the front room & put her in the crate with the door shut.

She hasn’t been neutered yet. She had a season a couple of months ago & didn’t display any of this behaviour. We are just concerned we’ve upset her by changing where she sleeps but we are very unsure
It does sound like a bit of an overreaction to the change in sleeping arrangements. I haven't had a female dog, but a quick google has found 'The symptoms of a phantom pregnancy most commonly occur 6-8 weeks after your dog finishes her season, and should resolve within 2-3 weeks.' So my money is on a phantom pregnancy, but hopefully someone with more experience will be along soon.
A phantom pregnancy was what I was thinking as I read through.
Could it just be coincidence that it has happened on the same night we tried to change where she sleeps?
Is there anything we need to do?
We are going to try Lyla back in her crate tonight, she does seem a bit more settled today
It could be coincidence, yes. I've never had a girl but from what I've read, I believe the advice is to give them plenty of exercise and not to let them fixate on carrying a toy around. Hopefully someone who knows more will be able to add advice.
I'm wondering if stress could trigger a false pregnancy, or maybe just accentuate the symptoms. Though I'm just speculating, and can't find anything online to back it up.
I'm not saying this is or isn't a false pregnancy, though the timing is right, but want to offer my opinion as someone who has owned a number of intact female dogs. I go completely against the current advice given by books etc., because IF it is a "phantom" it is hormone-led and the dog has NO control over how she feels (remember those days?!) so IMO we should give such girlies support because they need it. So I don't agree with all the manuals that tell us to stop them hiding, carrying or snuggling up with their toys, I think it's perfectly okay if they feel a bit grizzly to gently give them quiet occupation such as stuffed kongs, lickimats and find-the-treat puzzles, and keep exercising them because that helps the hormones dissipate. I never let mine interact with other dogs at this time because the hormones can cause a temporary change of attitude towards them. If she is unhappy at an hour out on exercise, then make it two half-hours. Play it by ear. This is a NORMAL part of entire b itch life and they get over it perfectly well and are back to their non-hormonal state in a very short time.

Dogs/other animals are very aware of human physical states, and her being more clingy to the male-smelling owner than the female is just what one would expect.
I agree with all of the above from @Hemlock...years ago our Jack Russell had a phantom pregnancy...we let her get on with it and it did pass...
Some years back we were dog sitting and she was having a phantom pregnancy. It got to a point she was having one after every season. Got spayed in the end but she turned from a happy little feisty terrier into a crying fest. Round the clock she’d squeal and carry her favourite teddy. She was nesting and would get snappy if we tried to go near her ‘baby’. If that’s what you are facing, rather than an upset due to change, all you can really do is be there for her. If she wants cuddles then give her them and if she wants space then allow her some. Also investing in good earplugs can work wonders :confused:
She has definitely displayed some of the behaviours that have been mentioned. Took her to beach for a walk this afternoon & she does seem a lot better. The crying seems to have stopped & she has eaten okay as well.
Think we will try her back again in the crate tonight & she how she gets on