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Slagging Off


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Heard on the `grapevine` today , the `US ` K9ers were being talked about at a recent show :eek:

Apparently we `slagg off `certain dogs and certain peps and what they do :oops:

Well all I can say is

As far as I am concerend what I say, `most ` peps think ;)

Do they feel guilty because I / we are just pointing out the obvious.

If we think a dog is, say, upright in shoulder , why shouldnt we say so :wacko:

If we think a `Judge `only gives placings to friends or peps who will reciprocate such placings then why shouldn`t we say so (w00t)

we do, in England after,all have FREE SPEECH


[SIZE=21pt]and so say all of us!!![/SIZE] :D
Well I think it's about time the nail was hit on the head.The only peeps who complain about anyone speaking their minds are those who have something to feel guilty about!!!

They must know who they are because Iv'e never noticed any names being mentioned!

When it comes to judging,lets be honest about it,we've all seen judges putting up inferior dogs over better ones because of who is on the end of the lead,& it can only in the long term be harmful to any breed!
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alfyn777 said:
When it comes to judging,lets be honest about it,we've all seen judges putting up inferior dogs over better ones because of who is on the end of the lead,& it can only in the long term be harmful to any breed!
My sentiments entirley. This is exactly what happened at WCoS show yesterday not in all the classes but in a good few. Some of the dogs placed were a poor example of the breed and left you wondering why the decison had been made. Then you saw who was at the other end of the lead and it then made perfect sense

(to the judge at least) :x :x :x :x
Sometimes `they` (who ever `they`are) actually DO have the best dogs and it may look as though some Judges are `face `judging when they put `them up . :blink:

See what happens when they DON`T have the best dogs and a judge `doing his/her own thing dosnt place them as high as they think they should be . :eek:
JAX said:
Sometimes `they` (who ever `they`are) actually DO have the best dogs and it may look as though some Judges are `face `judging when they put `them up . 
See what happens when they DON`T have the best dogs and a judge `doing his/her own thing dosnt place them as high as they think they should be . 
[/b]What happens?[/b]

-----------------------"when they DON`T have the best dogs and a judge `doing his/her own thing dosnt place them as high as they think they should be " quote.

"Sometimes `they` (who ever `they`are) actually DO have the best dogs and it may look as though some Judges are `face `judging when they put `them up . " quote.

How often does this happen?[/b] I'm sure in the main if the person no matter who has a good dog then the vast majority of people will agree with the judge face or no face. It's when a face can take a kangaroo in the ring and get a cc with it that the people complain and object to what is happening.
Just because some old fart that maybe got a judges ticket prior to the examination system comming in, Got their feathers ruffled by the truth.

This does not mean we think any less of them. Dont think anymore of them either.

Some of these old farts stand back on history to protect them. But one day, it will be history that will bring them down.

Lets pick a letter..............& from this letter we can not say what a prick any judge is with thier last name starting with that letter. To make it fair I have a wheel here. On it is all the letters & I am about to spin it..................wait, one fell was B......can not have that we go..............& the letter is "N". so for one day i can not tip crap on any of the old farts that think their dogs are within the standard for one reason or another with their name starting with "N"

!@#$%^&)(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&* !@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*(@!#$%^&*(

It aint easy, I never said it would be.
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This is the trubble when anything is decided by judjes ,you allways get favourets & things , jack the showing & get them on the track, who ever wins on the track wins ! not down to a judje
The trouble is that it is human nature to moan!!! Also we don't all see the same things and that is why we all keep turning out to shows. If it is blatant face judging then I just cross that judge off my list. If I am not sure, or only certain classes or top awards, appear to have gone facey then I may give that judge another crack. For instance, I did well at Southern Counties but I still thought her judging was a trifle bizarre but then you have to take into account what you have in each class. Sometimes it is very difficult to find something of the 'type' you like in a class and so you have to look for some other virtues and put those with the most up. Then people will say "Why on earth did she put THAT ONE up??"

The other way of looking at being slagged off is that, if 'they' are talking about your dog, they must have noticed it and therefore probably feel that you are a threat to 'them'. It is almost a kind of reverse flattery!!!

I think the important thing is to remember that it is only a game and be magnanimous in triumph as well as defeat. Difficult sometimes but just have a good moan on the way home in the privacy of your own car!!!
I know that all judges should judge by the standard and not by who is holding the lead.When I show my flowers(auriculas) they are compared to the accepted standard and if this is not met,the judge may only deem an exhibit as being worthy of a second place or even a third in that class regardless of who has grown it.I wonder what repercussions would arise if this method were to be used in the show ring.It doesn`t bear thinking about :wacko:
Some judges do withhold awards.

I can remember a hound person who when judging Crufts the over year asked an entire class to leave the ring and thus withheld all the awards. Wasn't a class of whippets of course. :thumbsup: Though the judge does have whippets.
my flowers(auriculas
One of of my favourite spring flowering plants :wub:

cant seem to keep them though , ground probably too wet ?
JAX said:
my flowers(auriculas
One of of my favourite spring flowering plants :wub:

cant seem to keep them though , ground probably too wet ?
You're supposed to grow them in clay pots and display them on shelves. Well that's what the Victorians did. :thumbsup:

They are beautiful. There is something wonderful about them. The flowers aren't quite real looking.
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Hi All

My Grandmother used to say "U should only be worried when none talks about u----if they talk about u their worried about u---and if they don't their not "

Take Care

Heather & the Khabaray Whippets
Yep, good one Heather. I think that is what I was trying to get at LOL!!!
Thanks for the tip Bee Jay

Im off to the Gardeners World show on Thurs at the N E C , might treat myself to some :wub:
Hi Guys,

To put my two cents worth in. At the end of the day i go home with the best dog on the day even if the judge didn't think so.
