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Skinny Molly


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Just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how I can fatten up one of my whippets, Molly. She has always been a very tiny whippet but she seems to be getting even skinnier :( She has no other problems so I am not overly worried about there being anything wrong with her but she just seems to have no appetite (unless if its pigs ears or tripe!).

She is 19 inches and 20lbs, its just worrying me because all her bones seem to stick out, her back looks a bit like a stegasaurus(sp) sometimes!

She eats Naturediet for one meal and Burns/Wafcol for the other. I homemake most of the treats that I give them (liver, cheese, tuna biscuits). I usually give them a bit of raw tripe or other (raw or cooked) meats as a treat, not all the time because Lenny doesn't do well on raw, gives him the runs :x Anyway, I noticed Molly getting a bit thin so I started giving her more tripe to try and fatten her up but now she just keeps turning her nose up at anything but the tripe. Now I know she's taking the mick here but I don't know what else to do. I know she cant get all the nutrients she needs from tripe but she won't eat anything else!

Basically I am asking HELP, anyone else got an anorexic dog :wacko:
That's weird... I was just going to post a similar question!

I have and 18 1/2 inch who weighs between 20-21 lbs.

Her appetite seems to be getting worse... she was eating mince, rice and carrots every day which was a relief. But over the last week she's gone off it and she also seems a bit gloomy too. She ate yesterday but has hardly touched a thing today :( I wondered if she was maybe coming into season she's 10 months.

I've just scattered a wee trial packet of ferret complete about (she'll eat it like that but not out of a bowl, don't ask me why?) and she's eaten those, so at least she's has something today. I've tried raw mince but she got the runs so I thought that defeated the purpose. Think I'm going to have to try her with tripe :x but I'll have to get one of those synchro swimming nose clips as I can't stand the smell.
one of the best things ive found for putting weight on was breast of lamb :thumbsup:
Just about all my dogs are anorexic as youngsters :b . Give me a good eater and I can guarantee that by the end of the week it will not eat. So keeping condition on them is a never-ending struggle. My will only eat the first half of a bag of dog food (regardless of size and brand) so I always throw out heaps of it. When i can get them to eat tripe and ox tongue casserole with veggies and pasta, they do put weight on. But like with everything else, they eat it for a while and then decide they do not want it any more. I have even bought beautiful 8 liter pressure cooker just for their tripe & tongue (they take a long time to cook), and only couple of weeks later they refused to eat it. :rant:

For really desperate cases I use tablets called Periactin, just a 1/4 of tablet for few days, than every other day, twice a week, once week etc. And occasionally give another 1/4 tab when necessary, but once they put on weight, if they start playing up i just take the food away and offer it back in the evening, or the next day. But that is hard to do when the dog is skin and bones :)
you could try doing them some dumplings? worth a go for the odd time? not too often as the fat is too much but maybe if you done her some lamb stew with dumplings that might help? :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
you could try doing them some dumplings? worth a go for the odd time? not too often as the fat is too much but maybe if you done her some lamb stew with dumplings that might help?  :thumbsup:

My greyhound William has struggled with his weight for 3 years he always looked skinny. Iwas told it was just a faze he was going through. Somneone with foxhounds suggested spronkling raw suet (aorta) on his food but this didn't help then one day completely by accident ( we'd had stew and dumplings for tea and I gave William what was left ) wediscovered he had a passion for dumplings .Now if he starts loosing weight he goes back on them boiled up with breast of lamb.

In the summer we all camped with our dogs at Posh Totty'e house William refused to eat untio we got him some dumpling mix from the shop everyone was amazed at how he wolfed his tea down.


The reason I think she eats the food you put on the floor is because she thinks she is pinching something that is not for her .IMO
Thanks for all the replies, definately a few things I'd never thought of.

Sharon when you say breast of lamb do you mean cooked? Molly won't eat it raw (she really is a fussy madam - will only eat raw tripe or beef, sometimes chicken!) but I've never tried cooking it. I may sound a bit stupid here but I'm a veggie so I don't really know what to do with meat :b

We visited my parents at the weekend and my mum cooked stew and dumplings for everyone else, dogs had the leftovers (except the dumplings as my OH finished them off :lol: ) and they loved it. I sometimes cook up some meat and veg for them and they always finish it but I was worried about not getting the quantities of different food groups right. Having said that, I assume its probably better that she eats something rather than nothing.

Seraphina - I have not heard of those tablets, are they to stimulate appetite? I was thinking along these lines, however I will try the dumplings first I think. Do you get those tablets from a vet?

Julie - you could be right about yours coming into season affecting her appetite but Molly is spayed so its not that with her. I think I remember her being like this last winter, I don't know about anyone else but when its cold and dark outside all I want to do is eat!

Just wanted to add that I fed them this morning, gave them a bowl of Burns, soaked the biscuits and put a tin of sardines on top to tempt them. Lenny started chomping away (nothing wrong with his appetite) but Molly turned her nose up. Turned my back for 5 mins and there was Molly with her head stuck in the food bag, stuffing her face (w00t) I really think she's taking me for a mug :angry:
jezza said:
Thanks for all the replies, definately a few things I'd never thought of.
Sharon when you say breast of lamb do you mean cooked? Molly won't eat it raw (she really is a fussy madam - will only eat raw tripe or beef, sometimes chicken!) but I've never tried cooking it. I may sound a bit stupid here but I'm a veggie so I don't really know what to do with meat  :b

We visited my parents at the weekend and my mum cooked stew and dumplings for everyone else, dogs had the leftovers (except the dumplings as my OH finished them off  :lol:   ) and they loved it.  I sometimes cook up some meat and veg for them and they always finish it but I was worried about not getting the quantities of different food groups right. Having said that, I assume its probably better that she eats something rather than nothing.

Seraphina - I have not heard of those tablets, are they to stimulate appetite? I was thinking along these lines, however I will try the dumplings first I think. Do you get those tablets from a vet?

Julie - you could be right about yours coming into season affecting her appetite but Molly is spayed so its not that with her. I think I remember her being like this last winter, I don't know about anyone else but when its cold and dark outside all I want to do is eat!

Just wanted to add that I fed them this morning, gave them a bowl of Burns, soaked the biscuits and put a tin of sardines on top to tempt them. Lenny started chomping away (nothing wrong with his appetite) but Molly turned her nose up. Turned my back for 5 mins and there was Molly with her head stuck in the food bag, stuffing her face  (w00t)   I really think she's taking me for a mug  :angry:

If it was me I would take her food away next time she turns her nose up and give it her back at her next meal. I understand what you mean I have got one that always looks like skin and bones but he has a huge appetite.

Six years ago when I got my rescue he was a faddy eater but he also had a colitis type problem as well. I took the food away from him, he soon learnt and now eats his meal when it is given to him. The only time I have a problem now is when they are ill and I can't complain with that.

Just do what you feel happiest with - as long as it works that is the main thing. :luck:
I agree with Whippetsrus :thumbsup:

Although I am aware that many dogs (especially teenagers) go through eating stages... owners can so easily made a fussy dog worse :(

NEVER leave food down for a dog, as all it thinks is that I'll eat when I want as its always there. Your dog should be having his meal when you dictate. If it is not eaten within 10 mins or so, take it away and give the dog nothing until the next meal, if it still isn't eaten take it up again. A dog will not starve itself to death.

Whatever you do don't keep changing brands and foods, because a dog will just think well I won't eat this today as I know I'll get comething different if I play up - they are not stupid!! And whatever you do, don't handfeed your dog - this leads to an attention problem and any dog will think that this is a pretty good game, look at all the attention I'm getting!!

Malted Kelp tablets are licensed to help appetite and can help increase it.

Oh yes, with a fussy eater always start on small portions and inly once they are clearing their bowl completely start increasing the amounts, but do it gradually :D
jezza said:
Seraphina - I have not heard of those tablets, are they to stimulate appetite? I was thinking along these lines, however I will try the dumplings first I think. Do you get those tablets from a vet?

They are available here in OZ from chemist, and were recommended by my vet. According to MIMS annual they are antihistamine for humans and appetite stimulants for dogs and cats. In humans they cause severe drowsiness, however I have never noticed my dogs being affected by them in any way. But as with any drug i only use it when absolutely necesary, that is when I have a skin and bone dog that will not eat.

I also sometime feed lamb necks or flaps, they are very fatty and if the dog will eat them they will put weight on. I have given them either raw or baked in oven.
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More replies :D thank you.

Jo and whippetsrus, thanks for the advice, only problem is that I never leave food down for them and do exactly what you say. I put the food down, leave it for about 10 mins (or until Lenny has cleared both bowls :clown: ) then pick it up when they walk away. Also, the only food I hand feed are treats.

I think I'm maybe being paranoid, she was eating her nature diet or burns fine, cleared the bowl or thereabouts every time. But I started to think that she looked thin so I started adding tripe - now she must think 'ha, if I leave this she'll give me some tripe!'. I know she's not as stupid as she looks :lol: Think I've made a rod for my own back here because now she's always going to want tripe, which I don't mind but she won't eat a lot else and she won't get all the nutrients she need from tripe. Oh pooh!

I think I may order some of the malted kelp tablets as I had been thinking of ordering some skullcap and valerian for Lenny (for nervousness).
Just found this pic of Molly which I think highlights the problem very well! This was taken last august but she is about the same size now. I think she may just be naturally skinny because now I think back she has always been this size! I've also looked over some old posts and I have posted about this before so I am going to read through that old thread again.

Molly doesn't maybe look as bad as you think - she's got good muscle and could do with a bit more weight but she doesn't look starved.

I agree with the dumplings - my dogs love them. I also use tinned butchers tripe with the dry food - it's great for putting weight on. A bit of grated cheese, or a little garlic mixed through their food seems to help appetite too.

If one of mine doesn't eat the dish is lifted and they don't get anything until the next meal - it's taught Zoomie to make sure he eats something although he is a very, very slow eater. He's also quite fussy so I changed his dry food to a 'performance' or active version to up the calorie content and he does better on that.

I also use 'treebarks powder' to help their food absorbtion.

My girls also went off their food around their seasons.
She looks very similar to Fred, who is roughly 19-20 inches and approx 23 lb. He was always a fussy eater too. I think the smaller boned whippets (Molly is from racing lines isn't she?) are just smaller, lighter and skinnier, and it's nothing much to worry about. Fred's doing well on Nature Diet, and I increase his meal times when I'm at home at weekends and holidays, and this helps, rather than as much as he can eat 2x a day. If he doesn't eat, then Stanley gets his instead (w00t) so he doesn't hang about anymore!

Dumplings sound good!
Ihaven't owned whippets for long but i totally agree with JOs advice never leave f

food down for long etc i think alot of us keeps tries different feeds including myself I have two 19inch whippets and they are both about 25lb one looks lighter than the other both of mine loves their food whatever i put down for them i think your whippet looks fine.Do you worm her regulary
Yes Nicola she was bred from racing lines, I just think she looks a bit too scrawny. Nevermind, it probably doesn't help that she is bald on her neck, belly and bum. She always tends to look a bit scruffy too :lol: Poor little Molly, doesn't matter to me what she looks like anyway, I am just a bit worried that she'll make herself poorly :(

Yes she is wormed regularly so it's probably not that, she is due another dose soon though so I'll keep an eye out for any nasties :thumbsup:
she looks okay to me in the photo -- as long as she doesn't loose any more weight -

but it would be good to get more hair on her if she has bald patches

what do people recommend for that (I think their may be discussions in the racing sectionsabout baldness )
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can i suggest lashing in loads of dairy products..creamed rice.. custard etc into her and maybe divide her meals into 3 a day so she aint faced with a single meal that make her tummy sore. defo get the creamy gear down her !

I used full fat goats milk and made Dippy porridge for part of her breakfast when she was looking skinny and that helped her alot.
There's quite a lot of info in the FAQ feeding section, especially if you scroll down to the Fussy Eater section: click here and scroll down

I seem to remember reading that tripe was a pretty good complete food with a lot of nutrients and amazing enzymes in it, but of course I can't find the thread now :wacko:

If Molly's eating tripe, why not just give her tripe for now and see if she goes through this phase?

Here's something I found about tripe, it's a site dedicated to it :lol: and is jam packed with info :thumbsup:

more stuff about raw green tripe