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Sickness and diarrohea


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We recently regimes a dog from dogs trust who was previously a stray, they aged him as a 12 year old shih tzu. They had to remove a lot of his teeth so he was on a meat only diet and as it was the dogs trust, this was donations (so all different brands). For the first week or two he was fine, no sickness or diarrohea. He then had a bout of diarrohea with blood in it so we took him to the vet, were given antibiotics and told to feed him chicken and rice and then wean that off back to normal. We have been feeding him a pedigree senior pouch diet (adviced 3 times a day as he was underweight). He was okay for a few days but has now taken to barking in the night (previously slept through), doing a number 2 (doesn't look like diarrohea though) in the house and once or twice there has been sick too. I read that you can overfeed dogs and cause diarrohea so we have reduced it to 2 feeds (as he is now at weight). Tonight, I've been up for nearly 3 hours as he has been barking, im going downstairs and he's darting outside to frantically eat grass. He hasn't been sick, there was a number 2 in the house, but no sick. I let him eat grass for a few minutes as I know they do it for self medication type reasons when they feel ill but he carried on and on so i stopped him but he's continuously barking.

Part of me feels like, maybe the pedigree really isn't suiting him but then I know changing their diet makes them bad too so I'm completely stuck!

Please help

Oh the poor old chap!

There will be so many different ideas here,(mine included) who will know which will may be the best!


My suggestion with the food would to stop the Pedigree, (oh yuk, such an awfull product) and put him onto a raw diet. Easy to change over without problems.

Stop all man made treats and use natural only. Stop all wheat and grain based products!

Your vets suggestion of boiled chicken and rice is good but don't go back to a grain based food product afterwards. (even rice is a grain)

Natures menu is a fantastic frozen product and can be found in most good pet stores with a freezer. They make "complete" frozen nuggets, their "Hunter" range is the best as it is completely grain free. They produce a large variety of frozen meats that can be purchased in small amounts to suite small one dog families.

It will be easy for him to eat even with only a few teeth, most dogs tend to swallow/gulp their food and leave the digestion to their stomaches. This is quiet normal!

Raw is not expensive to feed, much less is required because it is so nutritious, less is needed therefore cheaper in the long run.

Treats; Our dogs love their fruit maybe a badly bruised apple or over ripe banana! And raw vegetables , (well maybe a bit difficult with only a part set of teeth !)

It is quiet normal for our dogs to eat grass, they like to search the fields and select which grass or herbs they want to eat, it does not mean they wish to make themselves sick though.

Raw is so natural for our canine friends, it is very easy for both our puppies and oldies to digest and with NO upset tummies and just so much goodness.

I feed raw but with a family of working cockers I use a completely different method of raw feeding.

With regards to the barking at night it may well be a habbit or some kind of insecurity issue. Why was he in a rescue home?

Best wishes.
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