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Sick Of Being Posatve


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ok I am pissed of sick of smiling and thinking oh we will fined a car tomorrow and were fine till we do and the pratt that hit us didnt mean it and I have got cabin fever cos i carnt get out this dump and i know the minet we get one the weather will change and it will pee down for the next six months. Iv allso got an abses and my dentis on holiday and even if he was here I carnt get there and i am realy peed of fed up and had enghe. can someone do some cosmic ordreing and sort this rubbish out. just for a change i have given up looking on the bright side at all the crap we keep getting we must be due a bloody break and if the big balfor beaty waggon parks outside my houes for 12 hours again tomorrow cleaning drains and shaking the foundations I am going to stick its long houes were the sun dont shine on the work men.

I feel slightly bettre aftre that rant but might be back later for more arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Go for it! Very sorry to hear about all your bad luck :( - can't do any cosmic stuff but here's a few of these :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: Feel free to come back for another rant - I'm sick of being positive too. I've just spent the last year doing a course which is now outdated and needs to be upgraded already (involving loads more voluntary work and another 18 months of study) just for a minimum wage!! :rant:

There that's my (little!) rant over - anyone else wanna have a go?
Aw, sorry to hear you're having such a rubbish time ... and a tooth abscess is such a sore thing :( Hope things pick up for you real soon :luck: :luck: :luck:
heres my hire car rant just to keep me going. it took 4 bloody days to get one then when it came we were lectured that the car must be spotless inside and out when it came back. we hardly used it keeped seats covereds and never let the dogs anywere near it.

they came to pick it up on monday 5 days before the check clears for the car leaving us with no car at all and when the fella came. differnt one to how droped it of he was telling us whitch of the hire cars his alsation dog likes going in :eek: . then said here throw some muck in here its to clean there nothing for there valiters to do and its cleaner than when they do it. we are fuming tony washed polished hovers and dusted that bloody car thinking it had to be spotles then get told after it did infact he said we were doing the valiters out of a job arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

dont worry i will be back withsomthing else peeing me of in a bit
wendy if you want i can take you for a coffee at newbank wednesday
wendy if you want i can take you for a coffee at newbank wednesday
thanks your ok i am just having a rant will be ok in the morning and knowing my luck if im out someone will phone with details of a car and i will be out lol. just need to let of steam before i starts shouting at tony allthough if i did he wouldnt take nay notice lol. I just got a bit peed of seams like were exactly were we wear in may no car broken washer electic chair playing up again. All 3 things seam to go at the same time. We have missed so much schooling and racing this year the poor dogs dont know werethere there coming or going.

Just been remined though that the machine knitting show held yearly in the northwest is on on the 4th october in rochdale(pitty its not still held in Bury) so fingers cross we are mobile for then if not I will get there one way or another.

There are cars about but just to far there a good one in perth and another in buxton but non in mancheser in our price range