We as a family have been through the wars :lol:
Rachel came home from school last Thursady fine/bouncing
,,she went out to her pal's house and came home at 7pm feeling a wee bit ill
by 7.10pm she was being sick and had the scoot's. I had the hospital the next day so OH (John) was to phone the school to let them know Rachel was off ill. he forgot
,,I phoned the school as soon as I got home from the hosp, to be told there was a viris going round it (sick/scoots), Rachel had it. Friday came and went all was fine , Rachel still had tummy crapms, but doing okay, then all hell broke loos Gary was now being very sick (everywhere)
, the scoots soon followed
, up most of the night with him also, but around 3am Saturday morning John was now ill
Full blow like the kids
:- " (
Rachel came home from school last Thursady fine/bouncing