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Show The World New N.w.r.f


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The Show The World N>W>R>F

Sunday 10th October Please note this event is to be held at Easington Bend Track.

For Top Ten Points

Racing in 4 weight groups up to 20lb, 21-25lb, 26-30lb, 31-35lb Dogs and Bitch,s seperate.

run as weighed. 1/4lb allowance given.

Also 40lb, and no limit scratch + vets up to 25lb, 26-35lb All in.

Weigh in till 12 noon. Please note:

1. membership & registrations accepted on the day, cards to be shown. Cheques payable to New N.W.R.F

2. no dogs under 12month allowed to run.

3. wide runners only to be seeded.

4. an entrance fee will be charged into the stadium- everyone pays!

5. experienced bend racers only

6. drug testing to take place

7. would last years winners ensure that the trophies are returned on time or £10 fine-

all enquiries to Tony ( 02392-389990 day ) ( 02392-642545 eve )

thankyou, hope to see you all at easington for a great days racing.........
:thumbsup: Thanks for the info Rick. Good idea about the trophies , that should make sure there bought back in time :)
:D been to eastington trailing and i must say it is a great track and surface. ideal running sand and conditions. :thumbsup:
denise, deb asked me about putting a trophy on for mimo at the show the world ment 2 c u on sunday about it but forgot. I've got a 2 today a big 1 that the winner brings back and a min. that they can keep. just called it the Sasparella vet trophy. Hope this is ok. :cheers:
yes thats fine Sharon thanks :D , i think its nice when you win a section to get a trophy, i think Joyce was putting the no limit trophy on and Pauline and ken doing bitch's, Bruce and DI dog trophy, need a 40lb trophy yet

OB2 got the sup for this open so hopefully it will be returned for overall

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Who is looking forward to the weekend than ?

I am :D lol it's ages since we've been anywhere (bar Warwick) I think I get withdrawl symptoms.

Be sure to put yer thick coats on thought, the wind howls across the Stadium something cruel in winter !!!
we were at easington to day it was like winter you are right fleesh

the wind was howling track great

i think sun princess wont be far away ,paloma,and lauranna if she is back after injury?dont think show three is over her injurys.chalenger might be back he has been round easington in the past week. but what will beat micky whizz. depend who travels from down country, could be a great meeting if it gets the support it deserves :cheers:
my predictions are -: no limit comeon ernie, 40lb four sale..dogs oscars pride after the way he ran last weekend. bitch,s unsure may be monkey or you dare. should be a good days racing. looking forward to watching as i have nothing to race as master tornado is on the injury list for a few weeks as he has done a hip muscle and severly put his hip out last weekend
I can't wait to see the Wor John x Solo litter run at Easington, the two dog pups are just like their mother, in fact I think it's a uncanny resemblance.

40lb Watch out for Uptown Bear :p , it will be nice to see how Pem's Lad is doing after his injury in Devon, I don't think he's really raced since. Geoff has been taking him nice and steady.

Always nice to see what new veterans are about this time of year too, can't forget them.

I haven't seen any bend dogs from the North since last year bar the Builder who came down to Warwick, ran a brave race and came off sound (Nick must be happy at that).

Lacey Venture is running well at the minute too but it's too see whether the slightly shorter distance and overall sprint-like feel of the track works for her, I know she likes the longer distances and she takes that last bend at Highgate something cruel.

C ya'll there with Kerri and Blaze lol we will have a trap board this time for Kerri, if she gets a decent pick-up for once I'll be happy, 2yds down at the bend ain't so bad as 10yds.
:unsure: dont know whether come on ernie and santa cruz will travel all the way up north its a fair way for them as they r near london i think? no limits i will go for shane 40lb four sale. ;)
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Gary had the intention of coming up with his dogs and a few mates from the south when we spoke to him at Warwick. If Santa Cruz can travel such a long journey and suffer little ill effects it will make a good 40lb class no doubt.

No ill effects - here's me with the bitch that travelled 5 and a half hours up to Kirkaldy and lost over 2lb in weight just getting there !!!
Sorry to disapoint everyone but challenger wont be running on Sunday hes only had the all clear for over a week Helen and I took him last Sunday just for a run to see if his injuries held up thank god hes fine but no way is he ready for competing yet. Hopefully he will be ready for the championships. I am putting a trophy on for the no limit to be held for one year Sorry challengers not competing for it but good luck to everyone who runs in the no limit. Im sure il enjoy just watching. easington is a great track carnt wait for Benji to be fit enough to compete.See you all on Sunday Woody