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Should I Race At Gameshows

should i race at gameshows

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having got a lurcher 16 months ago- a bit of a rescue case- unwanted at 14 months old and described as a crap hunting dog. i started racing the dog and she has done quite well behind a drag and at a charity race day for a rescue group it was a fund raising day. But she has never raced at a gameshow e.g straight line racing. She is not a working dog, more of a family pet, although she has picked up the odd rabbit whilst out walking (wooded area) how do people feel about non working lurchers racing and showing. i have seen on other forums some people seem quite hostile to the idea. i want to know what you think on the subject????? if i did race or show my dog it wouldnt realy bother me if she won or not. i was thinking more of a day out with the family. what should i do!??????? i am no stranger to racing as i used to race greyhounds but this is my first lurcher.

honest opinions please. MANY THANKS, JIM

on the picture she is the one with the yellow muzzle

having got a lurcher 16 months ago- a bit of a rescue case- unwanted at 14 months old and described as a crap hunting dog. i started racing the dog and she has done quite well behind a drag and at a charity race day for a rescue group it was a fund raising day. But she has never raced at a gameshow e.g straight line racing. She is not a working dog, more of a family pet, although she has picked up the odd rabbit whilst out walking (wooded area) how do people feel about non working lurchers racing and showing. i have seen on other forums some people seem quite hostile to the idea. i want to know what you think on the subject????? if i did race or show my dog it wouldnt realy bother me if she won or not. i was thinking more of a day out with the family. what should i do!??????? i am no stranger to racing as i used to race greyhounds but this is my first lurcher.
honest opinions please. MANY THANKS, JIM

on the picture she is the one with the yellow muzzle
Hi Jim,

There is no reason at all why you cannot race at gamefairs!!I would say that you would need to train your dog on the lure,if your dog is not rag mad,it can cause problems barging etc.I think that as you have rescued a Lurcher,you will be very much welcomed.Come and join in the showing,racing etc,we are a nice bunch,and will make you welcome.You will have many a great family day out.

As you say, you want a family day out and a bit of fun with your dog, so why not have a go. There are always some people who cry about non-working dogs at shows but so what, if it bothers them that much, let them stay out in the fields working their 'real' dogs. Some people get carried away with what should be a bit of fun, a hobby or a way of raising funds for charities or dog clubs. Take your deck chairs and picnic with you and enjoy your dog and a bit of craic at the shows. :thumbsup:
I rescued a little lurcher at the end of 2008 :wub:

When she recovered from the injury she had at that time, I took her along to a local lurcher and terrier show and let her have a go at racing and hurdling for fun. She won reserve champion in the hurdling and has never looked back, going on to gain several reserve championships at lure coursing as well as a few firsts and seconds in hurdling and straight racing :thumbsup:

I don't work my dogs but if a bunny jumps up when they are out and about I don't stop them going after it.

My rescue lurcher loved the lure coursing so much that I got bitten by the competition bug and now I have 2 more lurchers who will be starting their competitive careers this spring/summer.

So don't be put off coming along to the shows!! Everyone is welcome and the lurcher folk are a great crowd who will welcome you and your dog!! :D
You should definitely race her at lurcher shows, :thumbsup: it's a great day out, you make lots of friends and your dog will love it, ;) get the kids involved in the showing side of it and you have a go at the racing. :p .


You might have one dog NOW but you'll get bitten by the bug and end up with four or more like a lot of us on here, :lol: and when you really get into it you'll end up camping at showing, late parties and dog talk all night long, :- (god i miss it) :lol: good luck for the coming year with your bitch, have fun, :thumbsup: di

Forgot to say, a raced or worked dog is a happy dog. imo
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Of course you should race, lure course or show your dog if you want to !!! The only time people get upset, in my oppinion, is when people who ONLY show or race their dogs, claim they are top workers, when they are obviously not ! Shows are a great FUN day out.

Of course you should race, lure course or show your dog if you want to !!! The only time people get upset, in my oppinion, is when people who ONLY show or race their dogs, claim they are top workers, when they are obviously not ! Shows are a great FUN day out.

You forgot something chartpolski, :lol: and if your dog is good you might get some back stabbing. :eek:

(my dogs aren't good enough) so i don't have a problems. :lol: di

Just enjoy your dog.
we started last year with racing and showing we only went to see what it was all about.

we are having a ball we started with two dogs at Monmouth Lurcher world and we now have three and they all race and they all love it wear not good at it but we all have a ball and its good to help out too as you get to know more people and make some very good freinds.

so if your at at any Lurcher world events you will find us camping my hubby normaly on the moter bike (Gary) and me (Sue ) running after my dogs Ive ether slipped them to early (to everyone amusment gits) or running to get them back (still have to work on recall lol).

go its a brill weekend away.
Most defintely coz Mika and Littl'Un are under 23" ;) , As they say you will get smitten by the bug and start trecking round the gamefairs like the rest of us. I love to watch the other dogs run as well as my own and it a good day/ weekend out for the family.


Of course you should race, lure course or show your dog if you want to !!! The only time people get upset, in my oppinion, is when people who ONLY show or race their dogs, claim they are top workers, when they are obviously not ! Shows are a great FUN day out.

You forgot something chartpolski, :lol: and if your dog is good you might get some back stabbing. :eek:

(my dogs aren't good enough) so i don't have a problems. :lol: di

Just enjoy your dog.
Soo true :thumbsup:
WOW CANT BELEVE THE RESPONSE TO THIS POST thanks to everyone for your replys i must admit i didnt expect the good response and im a bit taken back .Now if i go to a gamefair event i wont feel so bad that my dog isnt a working dog .please keep the replys coming they are much appreciated. thanks JIM
What i would like to know is, :- who's the numpty who voted NO.??probably some one pressed the wrong button i guess. :lol: :teehee:
Yes deffo go for it - it is great fun and the kids love it!

Just one thing.....I think it has already been said but make sure you train the dog to run in a straight line with the lure before you try it on the day as they can barge if they have been used to running the track, and you will be disqulified for that (it also causes BIG problems with other people) :-

Ive trained greyhounds too and have lurchers.....its very true that all people new to the game get hooked!

I work and compete my dogs and they love doing both ;)

Can i just ask - do you want to work her??
HELSBELS16 THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY when i got the (bitch) i was only going to look after it for a few days whilst one of the local lads found a new home for her .He had taken it of a lad who was going to whack it on the head cos itwas doing his head in.In the mean time my wife and daughter took pity on her and now she,s ours .I straight line raced her at teesside lurcher club and she did well. According to the locals theres no chance of getting permission localy to work her i did take her to teesside lamping two times but rabbits were very thin on the ground and we only got a few runs narrowly missing a few times .if i could get permission i would definatly run her on the lamp I found a great thrill .After running her at teesside i was thinking of gameshows nextbut like i said i feel a bit guilty because shes not really a working dog .
HELSBELS16 THANKS FOR YOUR REPLY when i got the (bitch) i was only going to look after it for a few days whilst one of the local lads found a new home for her .He had taken it of a lad who was going to whack it on the head cos itwas doing his head in.In the mean time my wife and daughter took pity on her and now she,s ours .I straight line raced her at teesside lurcher club and she did well. According to the locals theres no chance of getting permission localy to work her i did take her to teesside lamping two times but rabbits were very thin on the ground and we only got a few runs narrowly missing a few times .if i could get permission i would definatly run her on the lamp I found a great thrill .After running her at teesside i was thinking of gameshows nextbut like i said i feel a bit guilty because shes not really a working dog .
Thats terrible and it pains me to hear stories like least now it sounds like she is in a great new home :thumbsup:

where abouts do you live?

have you spoke to local farmers and just asked if you could have a small bit of land for a little lamping with one dog? you never know till you ask and most farmers are please for you to help with rabbit control they just dont like you running with live stock or shooting.

it sounds to me like she could work well for you with a little training.

No need to worry about her not being a working dog, there are plenty that race at the shows that do not work.....just bring your muzzel and give it a go.

PM me if you like with where you live and ill give ya the low down on the shows!
look forward to seeing you at a show in the near future!! :thumbsup: