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Should all dogs be muzzled in public ?


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If all dogs were muzzled in public. Do you think that this will reduce the amount of dog related attacks ?.

Also how do you feel about the new micro chip law personaly im against but in a way its a good thing.

But if dogs arent muzzled the police will easily reconise that and enforce the issue. I would certainly feel safer with walking my dog but i will feel cruel about it too. I have a domino irish staffy at mo which are banned in england and the law requires me to muzzle him in public anyway but i dont because it doesnt seem fare. But i would feel better if every one else had to.
Why should hundreds of thousands of dogs that aren't a risk have to be muzzled just to make the dangerous few less of a risk? The vast majority of dog attacks on children happen inside a home and therefore on private property, so even if you brought that in as a law there would be no advantage at all in those circumstances.

Presumably the same law would also have to include all dogs remaining on a lead in public? Then that's an awful lot of dogs in parks and access land who normally get to have a run around who then can't run and will need to be road walked for hour after hour to keep fit and exercised.

My dog is under full control and lies down at my feet when anybody is passing just to make sure that they feel confident that she's not going to approach them, but why should I muzzle her so she can't catch a frisbee or ball, and keep her on a lead so she can't have a run around when I make damned sure that she's not in anybody's way anyway?

BTW- you've already said that you don't muzzle a dog that is banned by the law in the UK. There are millions of dogs in the UK- if you aren't prepared to muzzle then why should my friend with a 9 year old one eyed shihtzu who has never said boo to a goose muzzle?
The key thing for me is that not everyone would do it.

Not everyone keeps a dog on lead so not everyone would put a muzzle on.

In the event of an attack how would my Oreo stand a chance? Simple answer she wouldn't.

You would just punish the people who follow the rules anyway.

I think that wardens should have the power to muzzle dogs who they can prove are a danger. But if it gets to that point perhaps the owner shouldn't be owning dogs anyway?

We need strict rules. If its an area where a dog needs to be on lead and the owner isn't following the rules then there needs to be a punishment.

As my experience shows there is no deterrent and owners just laugh at you.

In regards to microchipping again it will only be the law abiding citizens that suffer!
I think there is a lot to be said for all dogs being on lead in public.
muzzle all dogs oh please come on . thats never going to happen, i posted a few weeks ago about dog wardens doing nothing, wasters. they should be helping identify these owners who are above the law who roam streets with big dogs off lead. a defo big no on muzzle all dogs. the micro i am against as in the age of a dog but thats for another day.
Saddens me, hearing yous talk about muzzling dogs in publicor keeping them on a lead.

I think the OP should think wbout what he said, how he has a dog which requires a muzzle, but doesnt put one on are the exact type of person who will be whinging when your dogs gets destroyed because you cant be assed to muzzle it.....
sorry but all dogs should be on lead in public places as for the muzzles some dogs with track records of biting should be.. i hate it when dogs are off lead in public places.
Why do you hate it? 90% of scotland is public!

How do you exercise of work your dogs if theyre on the lead all the time. Maybe you should get your donation in to the rspca?

That picture of your dog in your profile that in a public place...sure looks like it.....

Wheres the lead? Hmmmm
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now your being silly. by public place i mean housing estates as going to put lottery on and when i go to the bookies to put a bet on the greyhounds i take them with me, most places children will be. park with swings. but hey if you want to keep picking then thats up to you, just think your over the top at times bud.
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in answer to the original poster, no i don't think muzzling dogs in public would reduce the number of dog attacks, on people that is, it would just mean lots of sad dogs.

As for your situation, i think i understand why you don't muzzle your dog, it would make other people assume your dog is potentially vicious (and i bet they already cross the street, i walk my friends mums staffy). If they later see him without one on, they will get worried that he might bite or something. So by even starting to muzzle him, you will be making a statement to the world about his temperament. I see how that is unfair on a trustworthy dog. Seriously though buddy, irish staffy means, technically, pitbull type eh? So you will have to be careful he is never seen to be 'out of control', or he could potentially be at risk of being taken, and destroyed. I'm guessing you haven't registered him either, or you'd have to muzzle him. If i had a staffy cross i'd be very worried that no kc certificate, means they could be classed as a dangerous dog. Very hard to prove otherwise. Very sad state of affairs....

My dog is a bit crazy, he is also very nearly blind, and can get himself in a tizz very easily. I have a muzzle for him, if we have to go somewhere there are lots of other dogs, or very public places, as i would hate him to snap or bark and make contact... He's never bitten anything, or fought back when attacked, so it is unfair on him. But its better than having something happen. He hates wearing it, it gets in the way of whats left of his vision, and he will not run with it on. People approach me a LOT and tell me i'm cruel to muzzle him, as he looks so pathetic with it on.

It would be very unfair to muzzle all dogs in public, however much people worry about dog attacks, and it would ruin the trust that people have in dogs, would they muzzle guide dogs too?

I know people are all down on people that have dogs off lead in public, but i tend to think if its off lead and on the pavement walking along, then its owner must trust it, my dog normally responds well to that kind of dog. Its the dogs that people unclip at the park, with no control over them whatsoever that i avoid. There will always be people who couldn't care less about their dog and never will never walk it, cos its too hard, and these wouldn't be the people who would muzzle their dogs 'in public'. Better to bring in few laws that make it clear who's responsible for what and then enforce them... But that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Lurcherman....i get what you are the shops etc...its common sense....but 'public' means a LOAD of places, parks...fields with public right of of way etc.... it would be a joke to police....let alone to walk your dog.

Im not one to stereotype dogs...but if the law states that the dog should be muzzled and on a lead....guess what?.....THE DOG SHOULD BE MUZZLED AND ON A LEAD!

Doesnt matter how the OP feels about it.
ok, look if a dog is off lead and is a bit unsafe then would it be wise to lead it or unlead it? thats my main point, up ere im am fed up with dogs off lead in streets and eres the main point with owners who THINK there DOG WILL NOT BITE, there was no way i was saying lead on in fields come on thats where i mainly am, away from the loons lol it cant be hard to stick a sign up in town centres saying dogs on lead and as for changing law its not that hard the poxy torys get it sorted, tossers they are..
Well i saw it somewhere that i think it was (dogs trust) not sure that they were trying to get this law into place. How ever i do agree with

eingana Not all dogs should were a muzzled. But of course if my dog becomes a risk to public to the point i feel a muzzle is needed then i will muzzle him in public. I think that no matter what we do to make things safer reguarding dogs will ever make a difference some one somewere will be killed by a dog attack n theres nothing we can do about. sounds cruel but its reality. Then the government will make another ban or law making it harder for true dog owners.
Your as guilty as anybody else. Admitting the law requires your dog to be muzzled.but you cant be assed to muzzle it. Get a grip ffs.
If all dogs were muzzled in public. Do you think that this will reduce the amount of dog related attacks ?.

Also how do you feel about the new micro chip law personaly im against but in a way its a good thing.

But if dogs arent muzzled the police will easily reconise that and enforce the issue. I would certainly feel safer with walking my dog but i will feel cruel about it too. I have a domino irish staffy at mo which are banned in england and the law requires me to muzzle him in public anyway but i dont because it doesnt seem fare. But i would feel better if every one else had to.
If it is the law your dog should be muzzled and you flout the law if you don't.

If I felt any of my dogs were not to be trusted I would muzzle them. Better safe than sorry. The main problem is people seem to think all dogs are friendly and leave their dogs off the lead. I always leash my pack when seeing another dog walker. Most don't which drives me mad, if they did there would be fewer nasty attacks on people or dogs while out dog walking.

Most attacks are totally unpredicted and in the home or garden. No amount of micro chipping etc will prevent that, no banning the next breed that bites a child will stop it happening.

It's all down to training both the dog and owner.