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Shock Tactics Training


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There is a campaign being run by a local dog training group in my area to pressurize the Government into banning collars which administer electric shocks to dogs, in the name of training. The makers of the collars are counter argueing that the collars are an effective way of keeping dogs from dangerous situations. The woman reporter tried the two prongs on herself on the lowest setting (out of a possible eight settings) and very obviously got a shock. What concerns me, is not only the fact that such a device could even be conceived in the first place, but how on earth & on what unfortunate is it tested?
A lady i know has two young Beagles and she uses shock collars on them both to try to stop them eating their poo.

I was just vigilant and patient with my Beagle boy and he stopped doing it without me having to ever resort to anything so horrible.

Frankly the woman concerned just can't be arsed to train her dogs properly and i think she will do so much harm..but it's always lazy ill informed twerps that use shock collars any way...proper training and proper control will keep most dogs out of trouble.

Anyone who uses shock collars on their dog deserves to have the prongs attached to their tender bits and the setting put on maximum (w00t) :rant: :rant:

They should definitely be illegal.
A local Vet :rant: was praising them a couple of years ago, he farms a few acres and has sheep - one of his dogs, a german wirehaired pointer had killed a couple so he bought a shock collar and - magic - it cured him of it ....... I spoke to him about 6 months later and asked him if it was still doing the trick - he had put the dog to sleep as it had killed another 3 sheep! So not only are they cruel, they are b****y useless as well. The sooner they are made illegal the better. :rant:
jools said:
A local Vet :rant: was praising them a couple of years ago, he farms a few acres and has sheep - one of his dogs, a german wirehaired pointer had killed a couple so he bought a shock collar and - magic - it cured him of it ....... I spoke to him about 6 months later and asked him if it was still doing the trick - he had put the dog to sleep as it had killed another 3 sheep! So not only are they cruel, they are b****y useless as well. The sooner they are made illegal the better. :rant:
Completely agree, Jools. People who use them on their dogs should be made to wear one themselves for a couple of weeks - with me at the controls :devil:

The chap in this link starts off brave........... Shock Collar Link
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jools said:
A local Vet :rant: was praising them a couple of years ago, he farms a few acres and has sheep - one of his dogs, a german wirehaired pointer had killed a couple so he bought a shock collar and - magic - it cured him of it ....... I spoke to him about 6 months later and asked him if it was still doing the trick - he had put the dog to sleep as it had killed another 3 sheep! So not only are they cruel, they are b****y useless as well. The sooner they are made illegal the better. :rant:
Agree. Anybody who thinks they are OK, just put them around your neck and see.