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Shawfield Greyhound Stadium


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Hi All,

The Shawfield Greyhound Stadium is asking for some non peds to run in a 300m Bend event. There is no entry fee and the Stadium is putting up £50 and a trophy for the event, it will also have a mention in the Daily Record and possibly your picture (for those who don't know the Daily Record is the biggest selling newpaper in Scotland). The week they are looking at is Saturday 16th October. Who knows might turn into something on a regular basis if we get the attendance.

If you are interested can you please PM me and also let anyone now that is not on K9.


are they wanting scratch dogs or smallert dogs eg yrds lbs
Please note that we are putting a list together on the interest of racers only at the moment. IF you are interested please PM me and let me know names, weights of the dogs running


yer round the back ruff old place dont know how they have a derby there

Ruff not now,,the Scot Derby is held here every year,,great track,,wish I could have got the chance to run Ross,,NchCrack O Dawn on this track,,back then only ngrc dog let on the track,,dont knock the area,,yes Glasgow has rough areras,,but all Citys do,,this is a great track,,take the offer up as it wont happen often,,no wonder non ped racing is going down hill,,yes I have left after 20 odd yrs,,but due to my health,,not the dogs as Gizmo was open class,,he got a pet home for life,,run at this track if you can,,might try and go and watch the racing, but on those bloody crutches again,,good luck to all who go as its a great track,,and the Scots love to see whippets race,,hope the race goes ahead as I need a night out :thumbsup:
yer round the back ruff old place dont know how they have a derby there

Ruff not now,,the Scot Derby is held here every year,,great track,,wish I could have got the chance to run Ross,,NchCrack O Dawn on this track,,back then only ngrc dog let on the track,,dont knock the area,,yes Glasgow has rough areras,,but all Citys do,,this is a great track,,take the offer up as it wont happen often,,no wonder non ped racing is going down hill,,yes I have left after 20 odd yrs,,but due to my health,,not the dogs as Gizmo was open class,,he got a pet home for life,,run at this track if you can,,might try and go and watch the racing, but on those bloody crutches again,,good luck to all who go as its a great track,,and the Scots love to see whippets race,,hope the race goes ahead as I need a night out :thumbsup:

well said susan,just wish i had something to run on the bends or i would be there.
looks very much like stainforth track,open bends good galloping track. :thumbsup:
Is it one race? or will there be heats through to a final?
I was at Shawfield on Saturday and spoke to the manager.We took East Ayrshire traps up and set up a couple of races so that he could see the whippets racing.The pedigrees have got 16 dogs and they are going to race on Sat 2 october.There will be 4x4 dog heats 2x4dog semis and a 4 dog final.They are going to run out our whippet traps up the home straight (about 80 yds).The non -peds would be 238mtrs out greyhound traps.Don't know format or any other info yet.If it is a success he might be looking at a monthly event.Hope to find out more this week.

few folks that are not on here showing interest,depends on the classes???????

also is there a local b/b????????????? some folks might want to stay over due to a evening meeting and the travel :thumbsup:

sounds as it could be a good night. :luck:

is it a greyhound rescue meeting?
On the 2nd Oct there will be a 16 dog pedi racing nite, with possibly 8 non peds doin the 230 bends, the peds doin roughly 90 mtr scr sprint, if theres enough interest a couple of weeks later--even a month later, or whenever yous non pedi folks can get together, we are willing to put on an event for non ped bend racers for a really good nite.! if u get in touch with gbabe6981-aka-Gil or Danny fae the Cumnock club, they should put u in the picture folks.! Cheers Scott :thumbsup:
On the 2nd Oct there will be a 16 dog pedi racing nite, with possibly 8 non peds doin the 230 bends, the peds doin roughly 90 mtr scr sprint, if theres enough interest a couple of weeks later--even a month later, or whenever yous non pedi folks can get together, we are willing to put on an event for non ped bend racers for a really good nite.! if u get in touch with gbabe6981-aka-Gil or Danny fae the Cumnock club, they should put u in the picture folks.! Cheers Scott :thumbsup:
highgate is on that night,puppy champs the day after :nuke: might struggle for non peds, thought you where talking sat 16?????? :thumbsup:
If enough interest sat 16th can be arranged David :thumbsup: