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Sezures Post Op


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I have just had my friend on the phone. Shes worred sick about her dog and wondered if anyone has had a simaler problem.

hes a slightly over weight 8 year old boarded terrier he whent it the vets last week to have a lump removed fom his toe. Since then shes got up in the mornings and come bacj from work and founs saliver round the houes and a couple of cays ago she found him fitting in his bed. It has only happend when hes asleep he goes rigeded and foams at the mouth he allso seams to have been very distant since the ops and and unawere whats going on all the time.

She has taken his to the vets who has diagnosed epilepcy and put him on fenabarbotal which seams to have reduced the saverity and freaqancey off the fits but not removed them complty.

Hes had blood test done and his liver funcyion and other test all came back fine. her vets left her in a state saying if the fenabarbotal does not work it doesnt look good for him.

Has anyone ele come across anything like it or have any sugetsions she could mention to her vet

Sorry you haven't had any replies, Wendy :( Just thought I'd bump this up for you :luck:
I have just emailed a friend of mine who (I think) runs a list dealing specifically with seizures in dogs.

Hang on a while if you can... I am sure she will reply immediately she receives my mail.

My first instinct is that it might be something to do with the drugs and/or premed which the dog was given at the time of the op.

Will get back to you asap don't let your friend give up yet please.
Back again......

Sod's Law - wouldn't you know it... she is away until 22nd October BUT I have found the link to the site.

It will take a bit of looking through - but I believe she can also join the group and then ask directly the imporant questions. she should mail.... (

Head the mail 'urgent' and I think someone will get back to her very quickly.

Hope things can be sorted. Fingers and paws crossed
Thanks for the link I have printed off anything I thing would be relavant for her as she dont like using the net.

Little Bennys been a bit more setteled with the fits but hes not been like himslef on them medication. I do hope they fined somthing to sort the poor lad out hes a sweet little thing and hes beeing missed going to work with her

Thanks again

Hi wendy, when our Rafferty was castrated some years ago he had a fit coming out if the aenasthetic. I was with him at the time, waiting for him to wake up so I could take him home. As he started to wake up he started thrashing about, banging his head against the side of the cage & gasping. It was quite scary & I went & got one of the vets who said it was a bad reaction to the Ketamine he had been given. He has never had a fit since so it must have been that. If he ever needs to be knocked out again I'll have to make sure they don't use that again on him.

I hope your friends dog recovers well.

They dont know if it started as he came out of the anathetic but it continred for a week after at home hes back at the vets mondays and has not fited for a few days now on the medicaion but it is making him act odd she barking ay nothing and seams stoned. I am hoping he will settle for them.

Thanks for the replys Wendy