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Seasons Greetings, Snow, Sofas And Billy


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Season’s greetings everyone :thumbsup:

Ok the snow has been interesting, but enough is enough and I’ll be happy to see the back of the current ice age and get some racing on again! And so will the dogs of course. Mine are a centrally heated bunch and don’t do cold very happily at all – come to that, neither do I, so walks are few and far between!

It’s been an interesting week – a battle of wits between Billy and myself, with me wanting to protect my sofa, and Billy wanting to eat it! To explain – he got the jump on me – I came home on Monday to find a hole chewed in the back of my leather sofa. (that’s the front of the back if you see what I mean – where it can be seen) and stuffing dragged out. After much yelling and stomping I set about covering it best I could to prevent more damage the next day. I covered with a throw and Cellotaped around to hold it in place.

Needless to say the Cellotape had been bitten through and the throw had been dragged down so that Billy could enlarge the hole and get even more of the stuffing out. Obviously I ranted and raved again, then set about putting the throw back and tethering it so it couldn’t be removed.

This worked as Wednesday & Thusday were chew free days. However by Friday he had worked out that what can’t be moved, can be chewed through, and sure enough he had worked a hole into the throw just enough to get through to the sofa back. It must have been a work in progress though, as he hadn’t done much further damage by the time I came home.

But naturally I yelled at him again – for what good it does, apart from getting it off your chest, so to speak. They had their dinner, I had mine, and I settled down on my ruined sofa to watch some telly.

I then became aware that Billy was sitting by my right knee with his head cocked to one side, looking at me. Still annoyed, I ignored him for another minute or so before looking at him again. This time I said “what do you want?” He cocked his head the opposite way and I glanced down. He had deposited his soft toy Santa in my lap. Talk about softening me up – it must have been a sheer fluke that he picked that one, on Christmas Eve, but it did the trick – lots of cuddles and doggie treats later we went to bed to await the visit of the real Father Christmas. But that moment will stay with me forever – my adorable puppy Billy and his cute get-outs!

Needless to say I won’t be visiting DFS in the sales – I love Billy – but not enough to buy him a new sofa!

Hope you all got what you wished for this Christmas, have a great New Years, see you back on the tracks, when they have defrosted!
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:lol: Shouldn't laugh really but they do have a knack for getting away with anything. Our naughtiest one also has the cutest, sweetest face in the world. Butter wouldn't melt....

However, I think you are very cruel not to buy him a new chew. C'mon.... they're on sale! :D
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That made me chuckle :lol: although I can understand why you didn't laugh at the time (w00t)

Sorry about the sofa :oops: !!
(w00t) (w00t) (w00t) !!!! I agree, dont buy another one... when by old Ridgeback was a youngster she chewed up my settee, and so I bought a replacement- less than 8hrs after it arrived she ripped it apart right down to the frame :angry: :wacko: It was revolting though...maybe she thought she was rescuing me from my own bad taste, lol!

Naughty whippets they definately know how to soften you up!!! :lol:
Hi Ian

It could only happen to you,but I remember Dave Martin coming home from work and all he could see was a little white bum and tail sticking out of the settee with all foam & fluff all over the place.

That was his Dasue Girl & funny enough he lives in the same town as you .

Hope it is not catching something in the air.

Typical whippet!!!!!! Mine have a £10-00 sofa in the conservatory, there were two of them, quite nice and very comfortable. The whippets attacked one, made holes in the arms, pulled foam and stuffing out. I patched it up, but it seems that once they have made a hole, that's it. It started to look dreadful so it got taken to the dump.

The second on has been chewed but since I put a throw on it and they can no longer see the hole, touch wood, it has been left alone.

They can be so destructive, in the past one chewed through a door, another dug a hole in the wall, they've dug a hole in the kitchen floor. Chewed carpet, the list is endless.

BUT, you can't help but love them when they come for a cuddle, look at you with soulful eyes, even though you could strangle them at times.

Happy New Year to you, good luck for the coming seasons racing.
Forgot, my puppy is determined to destroy the climbing Hydrangia on the back of our cottage! He must like the taste of it. (w00t)
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