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Jack Sparrow

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Asked this on another forum, so thought i would ask here just to see how people have got on this season. and acheived what they set out to do.

On the whole ive had a cracking season, done plenty of ferreting, its been hard going this season, with the cover not really dieing back till very late due to the warm autum, had stingy nettles all winter :rant: , and the little ones seem so evil for there size :lol: , plus its seems the rabbits have not stopped breeding all season, but had a major explosion of young at the beginning of feb, which in the end finished my season about 5 - 6 weeks early :angry: , Not good, just hope next season is not the same.

Was bringing a pup on this season my whippet grey, as this was her first season its been used as a training season for her, and she has proved to a be a cracking dog on the lamp picking it up very fast, she just needs to settle down a bit now and learn to read the lamp a bit more and her mooching skills have come on a long way as well, she works very well alongside my whippet beddy cross, so ive ended up with a cracking rabbiting team, still got a few lamping sessions left yet before the crops get to high, just to give a the pup a bit more expearience ready for the hard work next season, dont expect much the first season, but expect a lot more form them the second and so on.

So all in all im a happy man, ive finaly got a good team with dogs that have there own tasks but who can also work well together,had a few injuries during the season, the last leaving my whippet beddy needing 8 stiches, plus the pup has had a few weeks off it total to getting a few knocks while been out, hopefully this will be reduced next season when she calms down a bit.

Soon be the summer when things calm down and the dogs get a well deserved rest for a bit, before starting to get them ready for the new season.


Jack Sparrow said:
Asked this on another forum, so thought i would ask here just to see how people have got on this season. and acheived what they set out to do.
On the whole ive had a cracking season, done plenty of ferreting, its been hard going this season, with the cover not really dieing back till very late due to the warm autum, had stingy nettles all winter :rant: , and the little ones seem so evil for there size :lol: , plus its seems the rabbits have not stopped breeding all season, but had a major explosion of young at the beginning of feb, which in the end finished my season about 5 - 6 weeks early :angry: , Not good, just hope next season is not the same.

Was bringing a pup on this season my whippet grey, as this was her first season its been used as a training season for her, and she has proved to a be a cracking dog on the lamp picking it up very fast, she just needs to settle down a bit now and learn to read the lamp a bit more and her mooching skills have come on a long way as well, she works very well alongside my whippet beddy cross, so ive ended up with a cracking rabbiting team, still got a few lamping sessions left yet before the crops get to high, just to give a the pup a bit more expearience ready for the hard work next season, dont expect much the first season, but expect a lot more form them the second and so on.

So all in all im a happy man,  ive finaly got a good team with  dogs that have there own tasks but who can also work well together,had a few injuries during the season, the last leaving my whippet beddy needing 8 stiches, plus the pup has had a few weeks off it total to getting a few knocks while been out, hopefully this will be reduced next season when she calms down a bit.

Soon be the summer when things calm down and the dogs get a well deserved rest for a bit, before starting to get them ready for the new season.



Good to hear your season has been fruitful. Mine likewise, it's my first in a while my old lurcher passed away a few years ago and due to certain circumstances I've been dogless since May 06. When I got myself a whippet pup. So really it's just been bringing her on slowly but surely. A bit of lamping which she's really taken to. A dash of ferreting in which she's showing promise and good patience and some daytime mooching where she's showing a real keeness and hunting instinct. 14 rabbits to date a few of them myxy 6 on the lamp 8 daytime the last three in bushes. I know some people like to hold pups back but I'm a believer in everything in moderation and that energy and enthusiasm a pup has, channelled into work is a sight to behold and sets them off on the right foot. But like you say next year will be her first proper full season.

There's alot of myxy by us at the moment and alot of young and young with myxy I'm just hoping it will simmer down a bit to let the population increase . We last ferreted a couple of weeks ago but had to pick up as we were bolting drummers. A few weeks ago Ebb caught herself on barbwire 5 stitches in total but apart from that no other injuries despite this in general she's pretty sensible around the fences and not too full on which I'm pleased about. She's my first whippet and I'm totally won over by the breed I can't see myself having anything but now.
Hi Jack, all in all a bit frustrating as work commitments have made it hard to get out! But on to a shift system now so roll on next season which will no doubt bring new adventures! All the best :))
All right Whippet me old mucker, will get you out a lot more next season mate, got a few more bits of permission as well now, some good ferreting and some good lamping, so role on next season :thumbsup: :cheers: :D


Tidy job Jack thats what I like to hear! At least mouse will be fresh for next season, mind you she seems to have discovered a bit of Deerhound in her ancestory if the other days mooch was anything to go on, but thats another story..... :D
Im sure it is another story mate, i wonder about that with Spirit sometimes :D

