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Scruples Whippet Rescue Competition


New Member
Reaction score
1st Place goes to Peppermint Lady who guessed 2 Dogs 4 Bitches Heaviest 397g Lightest 255g


2nd Place Schmick who guessed 4 Dogs 2 Bitches Heaviest 326g Lightest 227g


3rd Place AnnSa who guessed 4 Dogs 2 Bitches Heaviest 312g Lightest 198g

It wasn't easy to work out the winner without Date and Time to separate things further but I think I have been fair.

Thank you so much to all who managed to get your entries in before Molly beat you to it :D

Sorry to all those who didn't manage to enter, I wish I had thought of the idea and been able to get it off the ground a bit sooner. I'm sure there will be more opportunities to raise funds for Scruples in the future.

Peppermint Lady, if you could PM me your details please I will post your prize as soon as it arrives with me, hopefully quite soon.

Schmick and AnnSa, your prizes will be coming from Scruples so could you please send your details to Annie (themetalchicken)

Thank you all for your support :thumbsup:

Congratulations to Julie, Graeme and Ann :cheers: :thumbsup:

....... and Molly sends her best wishes and very waggy tail to everyone who had a chance to enter!!! She apologises for not being able to hang on any longer but they were making her belly do the rumba!!! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
I've had no broadband for 2 days, so missed entering :unsure: but thrilled that Julie won - she says she never wins anything :p
;) Sounds like me June... I've always said I could never win so much as an argument! :lol: Still hoping for the Euromillions though......
Congratulations to all the Winners.....Wooohooooo....... :thumbsup: Well done.
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(w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

i cant believe it (w00t)
Big well done Julie now could you please win the lottery :lol: :lol:
Huge well done to our all winners, Julie, Graeme and Ann :thumbsup:

Julie ... I'd definitely try for the lottery this week if I were you ;)

Graeme has been in touch this morning, and rather than have Scruples incur the postage costs of sending his Scruples whippet collar tassel to Australia he has donated it back to Scruples as an item for the charity auction we plan to hold. Thank you so much Graeme :thumbsup: :D