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Scratch Dogs


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Looking at the 'OPENS' in the Whippet News, I couldn't help but notice the gap between the upto 32/35lbs and the scratch dogs. In approx. 85% of opens'no trophy for the scratch dogs,whilst there could be three or four trophys for the lighter dogs.

I do realise that people donate trophys where they wish and quite rightly so. It is up to the owners of the 'big' dogs to get their act together and get some sponsership for their dogs. However in two 'major opens, a dog which has already been beaten once can win twice as much as the supreme scratch winner in the consolation. All dogs irrespective of weight are subject to the same rules,drug tests etc. we all pay any monies due before we can race and when you consider there are probably more in the scratch class, than any other weight class. Are the scratch dogs the 'poor relations'? ???

Just a thought: Supreme run off for the scratch dogs to be yds/lbs with a four yd max. on each class.i.e.

Stunner 7?lbs Scr.

Pip's Pride 40lbs 4

Moonpie 38lbs 6

It may help to keep the size down?
scratch dogs never get the credit they deserve mick :angry: and its about time something was done about it,it thats bad that my wife has gone out and bought a trophy for when naz as won an event :b why bother racing ust to get your money back,sooner have a nice trophy than a bit of money,which kids have anyway :(
I knew the scratch dogs were getting a raw deal on trophys, thats why I donated supreeme scratch at fordingbride open.
welcome to the world of scratch racing!!!!!!!!!

after a few years of scratch racing.....some good ,some bad.....i have to admit sometimes i have won loads of stuff for a solo/1 heat and other times when my dogs have ran there butt off we have come away with bugger all!!!!!!!

have to mention a couple of opens

perry bar.....we ran soapy joe who weighed in at 40lb, we got asked to move up to no limit as no, no limiters had shown up and points/prizes were on offer so we did( this was before anyone had ran outside hare and we were'nt so sure soapy would do it as he is an out and out railer).....we moved up had a solo got 7 tt points, sack of dogfood,money,dog bowl, rosette, dog chews and a box of mince pies :0

hinckey....we entered soapy joe and hobgoblin.....both won there heat and won there finals ( glory days eh!!) we won ( for each dog) sack of dogfood, litre bottle of scotch, handpainted whippet plates, trophys, money, dog coat.......with it being for charity we did donate our money back ( about £50.00, was'nt giving scotch to anyone!!!)

There have been times we have entered what you may think are pretty big races and won but come away with about £5 and bugger all else!!!!!.......scratch dogs dont get an awful lot of credit......but when you go to some opens and see a 20lber run 4/5 times and scratch dogs maybe run once ( twice if we are lucky) got me thinking twice.

I love my scratch racing.....but sometimes i think its used as an addition race and not part as the main event so to speak.......and low and behold i have yet another scratch dog ,young " red ranger" yep my son is mad on power rangers (xspell x hobgoblin) is a very healthy 37lb at 11mths.....mmmmmm. ranger may be making an appearence at kinsley( as a spectator of course).....donkey derby pup!!!!
Not a dig at anyone with big dogs here (mine arent small by any stretch of the imagination) & yeh the scratch dogs at most opens are getting a bit of a raw deal but perhaps if we gave out such prizes as the handicap whippets got then we'd just be encouraging people to breed larger dogs / greyhound crosses?

Again not being funny but to me going home with an arm full of goodies is a bit ignorant when the dog you won with was 70+lb & the dog 2nd to you was 40+lb theres no competition!
i ran rch nch jacks back in opens bends and straights were there were trophys for the fastest time on the day he broke track recordes on both bends and straights and never onces got a fastest time trophy so why should big dogs run off for no points or trophy :b :b :b
jacks back best scratch dog ive ever seen they were good times peter :p ;)