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Scraping carpet


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Help. My 12 yr old
Cocker spaniel bitch is driving us crazy. She is constantly scratching and scraping our carpets. She’s ruined every corner of every carpet in our house. The worst thing is she’s mostly doing it at 6am in our bedroom. I can’t shut her out as she howls
Outside our door. At night when we’re sat watching tv it’s constant. I’ve told her off, I’ve even tapped her backside. Nothing is stopping her. She does it for hours if we let her. Any ideas why ?
Is this a recent behaviour? How old was she when she started doing it?
Not terribly recent. But she does it excessively recently. She used to do it once then lie down. Now she does it all over the carpets and doesn’t settle.
I wonder if it could be a sign of canine cognitive dysfunction? There are medications that can help.
Canine cognitive function was my first thought, too (not that I could remember the correct term). It's definitely worth having a word with your vet.

Trainingwise, you might be able to redirect her to a 'special' bit of carpet - an offcut used as a rug - and teach her that this is her 'scratching mat'. I think I'd put one in each room, and praise/reward whenever she scratches on there. If she is indeed beginning to go a little senile this might have limited success - but the sooner you start, the easier it will be for her to learn.
I'm with the others that it is likely to be cognitive. However, there are a few other things it could be, all easily checkable.

Bizarrely it can mean a problem with anal glands
Or mites in the paws
Nettle stings
Mice in the house under floorboards or behind panels
Or something has changed about the dog's circumstances, and she is releasing endorphins to comfort herself.

There are always reasons for dogs doing the things they do, and it isn't to annoy you no matter how annoying they actually are.

As for 6am in the bedroom - this is a good time to introduce a crate by degrees until she is happy in it. Then she can't reach the carpet.