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Scottish Whippet Club


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DCC Gilmour & Turrini IT & INT Ch Rivarco Classic Jazz BIS

RCC Meakin Oakbark Mystery Knight

BCC Gilmour & Ross Bayard Islamist at Dumbriton

RCC Marston Pollock Ch Ned Ch Lux CH Becscott Standard Lady Of Falconcrag

Newton Nevedith Geefa Gee n' Tee BPIS

Judge F Sampers
Good morning Dawn, Could you let me know where I can find the breeding behind IT & INT CH. Rivarco Classic Jazz. Some years ago Mr. Turrini had some dogs at the Alicante show which I believe were of Nevedith breeding. The man in charge mentioned that some well known U.S. kennel had been introduced into the Rivarco kennel ...Saxon Shore???. Best regards, Stephen Mason :) :D
stephen mason said:
Good morning Dawn, Could you let me know where I can find the breeding behind IT & INT CH. Rivarco Classic Jazz. Some years ago Mr. Turrini had some dogs at the Alicante show which I believe were of Nevedith breeding. The man in charge mentioned that some well known U.S. kennel had been introduced into the Rivarco kennel ...Saxon Shore???. Best regards, Stephen Mason :)   :D
Hi Stephen2,

Classic Jazz is by Am Ch. Can Ch. Sportingfields Jazzfest out of Int. Ch. Rivarco First Lady who is by Nevedith Just a Joker out of Nevedith Fireglow who are both out of the great Nutshell of Nevedit h

Sounds very nice. Any chance of a picture of Classic Jazz for those not in the UK. Have got a lovely Nevedith/Peperone bitch here in Australia. She has Nutshell behind her.

Congrats on the title- 3 from 3 wow!
Hi Gajo

There is a picture of Classic Jazz on Dumbriton Website If you click on New Adition button it will take you to Jasons Page.

and Good Morning Stephen I thought I'd let Patsy tell you know the breeding as Jason is at present with the Dumbriton Kennel.
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Thank you both ladies for your timely replies. As far as I can glean, the crossing of U.S./British lines seems to have brought success to some continental breeders, especially the French. There are a couple of U.S./British dogs in Spain which originated in France. There are very few whippets in Spain with probably less than 3 litters being registered per year which explains why our big shows are dominated by the French and the scarcity of stud dogs. The whippet in Portugal seems to have faired better. We shall stick to our plan of going to Orleans to use Hillsdown Highlander ( Ch Khabaray Single Malt at Dumbriton X Hillsdown Maeve ).... makes for a short holiday as well, especilally as there is practically a continuous motorway from Madrid to Orleans without excessive traffic. We may look at U.S./British dogs later "anno domini " permitting. Congratulations on the Scottish wins. Regards, Stephen. :)
:D Hello Patsy,

Congratulations on Jason's title. Top effort for a lovely dog, for a title that's well deserved. Jill Marks
Dear Oakway

Comming back to a question you asked of Mr Meakin!!

I can now confirm that He ( Mr Meakin ) Is still wearing a purple jacket when showing his dogs, had it on at WCOS with his trade mark hat too :D
:D Dear Claire,

Thank you for letting me know that the jacket is still alive and well. If it ever gets bred from put me down for one :b Jill Marks :p
:) Sorry Claire forgot to mention must be registered and show quality. Jill
:D I sure its only eligable for the Veteran class now! :D
LOL! You might have to breed your own hey Jill? :D
Can anyone confirm whether it is Pedigree or a non-ped ?
:0 Ok Ok Poor puppy has a handicap before it's evan mated. I have just changed my mind I don't want one. (Give me back my bat and ball I'm going home) I bet it may be wide behind to. Well I am off to read the Basset standard and have an early night. I am judging the Basset club show tomorrow. Jill.
I have a lovely new Jacket. I thought it would line breed with the purple one. Mine is mulit coloured.!!!Now remember your standard about colour. As Lana said I will have to find a new sire and breed my own ssseeeeeeee. Love and best wish to all. jill