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Scottish Derby


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Who is going to the scottish derby!!! either for the holliday or to race !!

and WHICH whippet do you think will win supreme ?? :p
:D my tips are lauranna or drama queen :oops: just put kiss o death on them now :p
i think a dog to watch out for is {a little closer} seen it run last 2 weeks and that looks very very inpressive.but hew noes it is whippet racin :) ;) :D :D

does any body no if u can run in 2 classes or not doesent state in whippet news ????????
Sorry, Jade and me cant go to the Scotish Derby this year as I have to take some of my customers to the Bike GP at Brands Hatch on the same day. I think Truebell will take some beating if she is fit, Dramma queen, or short spot will be close also, shame biddy is injured, but tangelwood might surprize a few. one things for sure the winner will weigh under 23 lbs.
I think another spot will give them a run for their money, but overall biddy, troubelle,drama queen, one off the pocket rockets.
:pno limot miskey whizz (hopefully lol) and 40lb bud watch oot 4 tarragon n ebony eyes and wee little spot the guide
Well having seen the competition today at A&T and reading the results from Asfordby I can bet there's going to be some good racing in all weight groups. I think over 160yds front dog @ yd/lb the finishes will be decent from all 5 placings but like Peter Scott said chances are the Derby winner is under 23lb.

Having seen her run today I would also hedge my bets with Troubelle but it's all to see who continues their form over the next two weeks.

Whoever gets into the final from each semi deserves just as much recognition no matter what weight the dog. I'm sure plenty will be there to cheer you all on - I myself will probably be there with my dogs being of the also rans :cheers:
Scotty said:
Sorry, Jade and me cant go to the Scotish Derby this year as I have to take some of my customers to the Bike GP at Brands Hatch on the same day. I think Truebell will take some beating if she is fit, Dramma queen, or short spot will be close also, shame biddy is injured, but tangelwood might surprize a few. one things for sure the winner will weigh under 23 lbs.
well done to all the winners, North To south Pure Class, even if he is in my weight group, Wish bookies were taking bets, I would have won a fortune, well done George and Val, great win.