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Scottish Derby

Martin Tucker

New Member
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Thought people might like to see me (bottom left) with MICKS MYSTIC, recent winner of the Scottish Derby and anti-post favourite for the English Derby.

MICKS MYSTIC stood here at stud over the winter and will be returning here when he is retired. :D

View attachment 403
Oooooooh nice dog - Good example of "bald thigh syndrome" for those that think this is a bad condition it's obviously done this dog no harm!!! Well done Martin, so what's your connection with the dog?
:D WELL DONE, dog is a perfect picture of health ........ :p

MICKS MYSTIC was standing at stud at my kennels over the Winter, before he went back in training for the Scottish Derby.

He is now being prepared for the English Derby which starts at the end of this month.

He will be returning here to resume stud duties when he retires from racing. :D
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Great pictures Martin. You must feel proud of your connection.
Hi Martin,

I take it your coming over for the Greyhound English Derby then?
