The scotish champs are almost upon us..... Who is going and Who do you think will win titles and Supreme..... I got to say Biddy for supreme as she is running well again....??
I agree Biddy has a chance for the derby but 2ft a lb makes it a better race for all weights so the Scottish champs will be interesting, I thought it was 1/2 yd a lb last year for the final ?. Still unless we get some rain I wont be running anywhere, the ground round me is like concrete.
I am just back from the track and its looking good. With rain we have been having on and off for the last few days the running surface is just about right. The roadworks that are on the Forth Road Bridge are due to finish this weekend until September so hopefully the bridge will be no worse than usual but if you are coming check before you leave. I hope to see you there.
Wish everyone good luck who enter there does seem to be always bridge works goin on on the forth bridge but boy it must take a lot of maintenance to keep it looking as it does !!
We'll be there all being well, can't camp over now so i'm cadging a lift up, it'll be a long day -_- but i'm looking forward to going as i've never been to kirkaldy before.
Shame about Paloma John Ella will look forward to seeing her butt soon :lol:
hopefully we will be there havent attended the scottish champs b4 but if its half as good as the derby it will be a grand day. The weather 4 sun especially in Scotland is spose to be nice the best day of the weekend. So keep your fingers crossed. Tips for no limit Mickey Whizz lol :thumbsup: I forgot it was 2 ft a pound so we should get some interesting racing. Its also 150 yds front dog too which means every dog runs 150 yds. Looking forward to it now.
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