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I just had to post this today as school was so wierd today.

me and my best friend megan are always together and joined at the hip and we have some very weird moments indeed. We had to do a project powerpoint on to the computer in science today and show it infront of the class. I was doing the research and megan was actually writing it and creating it so i hadn't really seen it because we both had a computer each. When the time came to do the presentation infront of the class the first slide was fine.. the second slide was also fine.. what the hell!? Suddenly megan decided to put a game on in the middle of the presentation of pin the tail on the donkey so they was just a huge donkey pointing its bottom at us! How cringey. Atleast i learnt there!

And also today (still got the cut) I was in art and went to sharpen my pencil at the bin when i came back to my table (there is about 8 people at each table as these are huggee tables) and eveyrone was staring at me i sat down and screamed jumping up! I reached into my hip to pull out a pin. A little board pin things. Everyone shreakied with laughter OH THE SHAME! And the pain. :D

I wish it had gone into my bum where it was actually aiming for as it was standing up in the chair in which my so-called-friend Nathan had put it along with everyone knowing.. accept me! And i slid on the chair on my thigh and then turned onto my bum usually but no! I didn't manage to get that far as of the pin! And after that i wiped my chair down even if there was no pin..

:teehee: :teehee:

I laugh now. Just thought you all wanted to know how my day was!! :wub: :- " :blink: :D (w00t)
mmm sounds like you've had a great day jade (w00t)
certainly a different day (w00t) school days best days of your life :- "
Yer. I will never forget mine. I love school! Its the only time i see all my friends really as most of them live quite far from me. :thumbsup: :cheers: