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School Sports Day

posh totty

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as most of you know my son thomas is disabled and is in a wheelchair, however thomas has never let many things stop him from doing what he wants to, today was school sports day and the kids whom are all disabled some can walk others cant, but they too never let their difficulties get in the way of a great day !

here are some pics of the kids all having a great tiem , the day finished in a footy match between the kids and the teachers, the result was the teachers won and a one man pitch invasion then occured , i will let you guess to whom the pitch invader was :b :- "





this is the sensory garden funding by the friends of the school



the new play area



the trophy for the winning team! this year was the green team , thomas was in the blue team


well done The Clare school!!! :huggles: :huggles:
posh totty said:
as most of you know my son thomas is disabled and is in a wheelchair, however thomas has never let many things stop him from doing what he wants to, today was school sports day and the kids whom are all disabled some can walk others cant, but they too never let their difficulties get in the way of a great day !
here are some pics of the kids all having a great tiem , the day finished in a footy match between the kids and the teachers, the result was the teachers won and a one man pitch invasion then occured , i will let you guess to whom the pitch invader was  :b   :- "





this is the sensory garden funding by the friends of the school



the new play area



the trophy for the winning team! this year was the green team , thomas was in the blue team


well done The Clare school!!!  :huggles:   :huggles:

hi its wonderful to see kids enjoying themselves, my brother was born blind, and went to a special needs school for the blind, they are amazing kids they dont let any thing stand in there way, he had lots of operations on his eyes and is now partially sighted and doing very weel in the big wide world. well done thomas.xx
great to see the effort put in to let the kids have a good time, they've got some good facilities in their playground, hope the pitch invader didn't streak across the pitch :lol:

well done Thomas :thumbsup:
Nice pix tott's.Wish i was there,as i have a soft spot for disabled kid's.My niece is mentaly and physicaly handicaped,and we nearly lost her a couple of years ago,due to repetitive epileptic fit's.She took 27 in total that day,but thankfuly it has'nt happened as much since they got the medication sorted a bit better.Great to see that Thomas is doing great,and has a good spirit. My daughter has just completed her N.V.Q.level 3,and hopes to work with disabled and slow learning kid's,which i think is great.Give Thomas our love. ...Billy...
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Wow Tanya, cant believe its a whole year since the last Sports Day (I know how much you look forward to them!) Well done Thomas and classmates, what a lovely school!
Looks like a great school with wonderful facilities. :)
This bkog written by dad has an article in it about my special needs brother growing up and there is a very special bit about sports day. Scroll down to the article called tied up in knots.
Glad the weather held out Tanya, you were worried in the morning it

would rain and spoil your fun.

Well done Thomas :thumbsup:

That was a nice story jess :))
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Did they have a mother's race and if they did are there any pictures ? :thumbsup:

quintessence said:
Did they have a mother's race and if they did are there any pictures ? :thumbsup:

thankfully no!!! (w00t) if there was i could not gave possibly done it however much i wanted too :- " because i was needed behind the camera for k9 pics!! :D

there was a reporter there doing an article on the new area the 6 form have called " the flat" here is a mobile out of use for whatever reason so they pupils turned it into a cafe for teachers and 6th formers , they also have bric a brac for sale and every wednesday is jacket potato day , the pupils have to go round the teachers , ask which they are having and then go shopping for anything they need, they then cook and serve , handling moneies etc , it was developed to give the kids some good work experience at their own pace, they also bake cakes and biscuits in life skills and the profits are put back into the scheme and so far this year, they have made £200 profit :thumbsup:

i will have a copy of the article coming as alfie and i were used in the photos buying coffee in the cafe , so will post the full article for you all to read :thumbsup:
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glad to see you had good weather,looks like you all had fun,doubt my sons sports day will be on,on monday
My older sister is disabled she has not long turned 30 years old ! though she cant speak or walk she not stupid and knows everything that goes on around her. She goes to a day care centre for those with needs its a brand new one with excellent facilities. My sister three loves are the pub, music and men :lol: :lol: its amazing how they can cope with life i think we can all learn a thing or two from those people with disablilities :thumbsup:
Tanya it looks like a great school for Thomas, what a great day for them all.

Well done to the school, you and Thomas.... :cheers: :huggles: :cheers: :luck:

The play equipment looks fantastic in a great setting too. :)
Great pics Poshy T ...... that pitch invasion - wouldnt have anything to do with a small boy with a prediliction for RADDITS would it?
posh totty said:
as most of you know my son thomas is disabled and is in a wheelchair, however thomas has never let many things stop him from doing what he wants to, today was school sports day and the kids whom are all disabled some can walk others cant, but they too never let their difficulties get in the way of a great day !
here are some pics of the kids all having a great tiem , the day finished in a footy match between the kids and the teachers, the result was the teachers won and a one man pitch invasion then occured , i will let you guess to whom the pitch invader was  :b   :- "





this is the sensory garden funding by the friends of the school



the new play area



the trophy for the winning team! this year was the green team , thomas was in the blue team


well done The Clare school!!!  :huggles:   :huggles:

Lovely pics, im glad the weather was good for you, :cheers:

keith x
urchin said:
Great pics Poshy T ...... that pitch invasion - wouldnt have anything to do with a small boy with a prediliction for RADDITS would it?

no wasnt the small boy in that incident his incident was the poo in the playground (w00t) , the wheelchair went flying onto the pitch and he told the teachers EXACTLY what he though of the game :- " not like my son to speak his mind!! :- "
It looks a lovely school Tanya , Thomas is so lucky to have such fun.

I used to work with special needs and boy can they be demanding but they also give so much back to the carers and family that look after them , so many of them are so bright and clever .

Well done Thomas :cheers:

I hope your mum let you have a small beer !! after all that exercise