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Looney Collooney
Reaction score
Judge: Dennis Meakin

Dog CC : Mrs B J ROBINSON Fait Accompli at Savilepark JW

Res Dog CC : Mrs N RUNSTEN Can & Am Ch Airescot Ruby Rascal

Bitch CC : Mrs F J MINNS Juneric Little Flower Girl

Res Bitch CC : Mrs G FLYCKT-PEDERSEN Hubbestad Mustique

Best Puppy : Mrs G FLYCKT-PEDERSEN Hubbestad Fallen Angel

BEST OF BREED : Mrs F J MINNS Juneric Little Flower Girl
:D Hello Claire,

A questinon = is Dennis still wearing the purple jacket. Jill ???
Up until recently yes and the trilby :D . Though he has on the odd occasion worn a different colour recently. :0

Dont know what he was wearing to judge in though as we were not there :D
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Hard to type with burnt arms, :( yes I was there. Dennis was in a crisp white short sleeve shirt with a pale blue stripe, French navy slacks with a sporty striped belt, tan slip on shoes and a cream small panama hat.

Im not sure how he managed to stand in that sun all day, if someone at work asked you to stand in a field from 10-4 you would tell them to b***** off.
:) Hi All,

LOL, that jacket of Dennis' must be world famous. Yes he had it on when he judged in Aust. What gets me is, how does it fit afer all these years. He shure has a better diet plan than me. ;) Jill
Blimey Karen, you should have been a detective with all that detail of what Dennis was wearing!!! I could have told you he was wearing a white shirt and his hat but that would have been about it!!!

Still, I suppose I would have noticed if he hadn't have been wearing anything else!!! LOL
Hi all

Mr Meakin was ill when I visited England last year so, unfortunately for me, I didn't get to visit the Oakbarks. Glad to hear he is back on track though and able to put in a good day's judging. I hope he enjoyed his day. :p
Dessie, Being an art tutor helps, Im telling people all day to look around them and paint what they see so I guess Im just used to looking.

Dennis is brilliant for his age, Im sure lots of normal men (er no hobbies etc :D ) could never do what dog showing men and women do at that age. Not sure Id want to see him without clothes though, far harder to discribe :p
Karen said:
Not sure Id want to see him without clothes though, far harder to discribe :p
Actually Karen, I don't think the rest of us have tried to visulise Dennis with no clothes! We'll leave that one for you!!!!! Don't worry about writing what you visulise- we really don't need to know. I was going to put a smilie in on the end, but for some reason, my comp. wont co-operate, my phone is playing up as well.
