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Scared staffy

Holly Dolly

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I've had my staffy for five years since a pup and she's always been very happy and energetic in the park running around like crazy. However, for the last few weeks she has suddenly changed and I can't let her off the lead hardly at all as she will run about for maybe 10-15 minutes and then her ears go flat, her tail goes between her legs and if I don't grab her, she runs off - usually back to the car but not always. She has always been sensitive to noise but there hasn't been anything that could have freaked her out and I've taken her to different places so that there is no association with anything that could have happened previously.

Any help would be so appreciated as she's not going the exercise she loves and deserves and I feel so sorry for her.

Many thanks.
Your poor girl sounds like something has spooked her and it could be the smallest thing that did it and you never noticed or saw and now when she is in the park at the same place she thinks it may happen again.

Have you tried playing with her when you let her off the lead? Maybe playing fetch or even getting a rubber toy and playing tug with her? Let her off the lead but try and keep her stimulated and her focus on you so she doesnt think about the thing that is unnerving her.

if she doesnt like to play too much (which would surprise me with staffies as play means even more attention from you!!) then try some training with her off the lead. basic recalls like getting her to sit and stay then walk off and call her back to you. This will mean she gets to run and its a good way of keeping up her recall. Different things like that are always good.

another option is if you know anyone with a dog that she likes to play with? you can make play dates for them to play together so she gets time off the lead and another dog that she knows to play with.

if this persists maybe try another park to see if the same things happens again?

Another option to try is training classes. The trainer will give you good tips to ease your dogs stress levels and she gets in interact with other dogs too which is always good :) Over time she should start to get better, but it may be a slow process if something has happened to her that spooked her.

Staffies are very sensitive dogs despite peoples opinions of them!

if all else fails try a long lead for now so you dont have to worry about her running off, or taking her for longer walks.

Good luck

Sophie x
Hi Sophie

Thank you so much. Unfortunately, I've tried everything - different parks, playing with a ball which she always used to love, play dates with her best mate Stanley. I feel so sorry for her and also rather helpless! Am going to see if I can find a dog behaviourist but if anyone knows of one in Surrey, I'd be grateful for contact details.

Thanks again

Hi Kay,

Just wanted to see how your girl is getting on? Did you manage to find a behavourist?

Sophie x
Look on the COAPE website and APBC website to find properly qualified behaviourists. You do not want a trainer, you need a fully qualified behaviourist from one of these two organisations.